Attention: your docker compose
command might be as docker-compose
. If so, edit commands for your needs in package.json
Before running, be sure to have .dev.env
file in project root folder. Example env is .env.example
sudo yarn build:dev
sudo yarn start:dev
Before running, be sure to have .prod.env
file in project root folder. Example env is .env.example
sudo yarn build:prod
sudo yarn start:prod
This command creates an AWS stack which contains S3 bucket, EC2 instance and a bunch of policy stuff.
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--template-body file://cloudformation-template.yaml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name coffee-e-shop
EC2 goes with pre-downloaded docker/docker compose and this repo in home directory. It already has a .prod.env
which is a copy of .env.example
. DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE CREDENTIALS THERE! You can do it, for example, using nano
EC2 has access to S3 bucket without need to have any AWS credentials in .prod.env
Before using ssh to access EC2 create and download key pair, you can do it in AWS Console -> EC2 -> Network & Security -> Key Pairs. The name of the key must be STRICTLY aws-key-coffee-e-shop
. This key name is hard coded into the cloudformation template.
To run docker image on EC2, connect to instance via ssh: ssh -i aws-key-coffee-e-shop.pem ec2-user@x.x.x.x
or using AWS instance connect feature. Then execute the following commands (which are stored in package.json):
sudo docker compose -f --env-file ./.prod.env build
sudo docker compose -f --env-file ./.prod.env up
Notice: S3 bucket won't be deleted if it contains something.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name coffee-e-shop