An application used for online exams
visit this link and test the application
- Javascript
- Sweet Alert, a JS library used for popping up some alerts in pretty awesome styles.
- Font Awesome, a JS library has many beautiful icons with a lot of features.
- Shuffled questions, each student has distinct questions with different ordering and shuffled choices too.
- Different quiz models, the app automatically chose for every student a distinct questions from the bank of questions.
- Apility of revising, the student can see his answers and edit it within the time of the exam.
- Countdown timer, to limit the exam time within a certain period.
- Quich results, once the student submits his exam a pop up window will appear with his marks, he can go back and see his results for each question (which was right and which was wrong).
- Checking identification number for each student if exist and if hed did the quiz before or not so, we can let him take the exam for the first time.