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ate47 committed Mar 20, 2024
1 parent 6696d95 commit c09755f
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,228 additions and 9 deletions.
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/cli/main.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,7 +220,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char *_argv[]) {
int output;
actslib::profiler::ProfiledSection ps{ profiler, tool.m_name ? tool.m_name : "no-tool-name" };
output = tool.m_func(proc, argc, argv);
try {
output = tool.m_func(proc, argc, argv);
catch (std::exception& e) {
LOG_ERROR("Unhandled exception: {}", e.what());
output = tool::BASIC_ERROR;

LOG_TRACE("Tool took {}s to run with output {}{}", (double)(clock() - beginTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC, output,
Expand Down
234 changes: 232 additions & 2 deletions src/cli/tools/lib/actslibtest.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,169 @@
#include <includes.hpp>
#include <actslib/actslib.hpp>
#include <actslib/profiler.hpp>
#include <includes.hpp>
#include <actslib/crc.hpp>
#include <actslib/hdt.hpp>
#include <actslib/data/kmerger.hpp>
#include <actslib/data/iterator.hpp>
#include <actslib/rdf/raio.hpp>
#include <mio.hpp>

namespace {
using namespace actslib;
class KMergerTest : public actslib::data::KMergerConfig {

actslib::rdf::RDFParser& parser;
size_t tripleId{ 1 };
std::string buffers[rdf::RDF_TRIPLE_COUNT]{};
size_t bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_TRIPLE_COUNT]{};
std::vector<size_t> strings[rdf::RDF_TRIPLE_COUNT]{};

KMergerTest(actslib::rdf::RDFParser& parser, size_t bufferSize) : parser(parser) {
for (auto& buff : buffers) {

void CreateDefaultChunk(const std::filesystem::path& chunkLocation) override {
std::ofstream out{ chunkLocation, std::ios::binary };

if (!out) throw std::runtime_error("Can't create default chunk");

actslib::rdf::raio::CompressComponentWriter w{ out };



inline bool WriteChunkData(const rdf::Triple& triple, bool force, size_t index) {
auto& stringss = strings[rdf::RDF_SUBJECT];
auto& bufferss = buffers[rdf::RDF_SUBJECT];

auto& stringsp = strings[rdf::RDF_PREDICATE];
auto& buffersp = buffers[rdf::RDF_PREDICATE];

auto& stringso = strings[rdf::RDF_OBJECT];
auto& bufferso = buffers[rdf::RDF_OBJECT];

// check if we can add the components (reallocate if we force them)
if (bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_SUBJECT] + triple.subject->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1 > bufferss.size()) {
if (!force) {
return false;
bufferss.resize((size_t)((triple.subject->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1) * 1.5));
if (bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_PREDICATE] + triple.predicate->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1 > bufferss.size()) {
if (!force) {
return false;
buffersp.resize((size_t)((triple.predicate->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1) * 1.5));
if (bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_OBJECT] + triple.object->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1 > bufferso.size()) {
if (!force) {
return false;
bufferso.resize((size_t)((triple.object->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1) * 1.5));

size_t offs = bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_SUBJECT];
bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_SUBJECT] += triple.subject->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1;

size_t offp = bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_PREDICATE];
bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_PREDICATE] += triple.predicate->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1;

size_t offo = bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_OBJECT];
bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_OBJECT] += triple.object->length + sizeof(size_t) + 1;

*reinterpret_cast<size_t*>( + offs) = index;
*reinterpret_cast<size_t*>( + offp) = index;
*reinterpret_cast<size_t*>( + offo) = index;

memcpy( + offs + sizeof(size_t), triple.subject->buffer + triple.subject->offset, triple.subject->length);
memcpy( + offp + sizeof(size_t), triple.predicate->buffer + triple.predicate->offset, triple.predicate->length);
memcpy( + offo + sizeof(size_t), triple.object->buffer + triple.object->offset, triple.object->length);

// end str[bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_SUBJECT]] = 0;[bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_PREDICATE]] = 0;[bufferOffsets[rdf::RDF_OBJECT]] = 0;

return true;

inline void SortBuffer(rdf::RDFComponentType comp) {
auto& str = strings[comp];
const auto& buff = buffers[comp];

std::sort(str.begin(), str.end(), [&buff](size_t off1, size_t off2) -> bool {
const char* s1 = &buff[off1 + sizeof(size_t)];
const char* s2 = &buff[off2 + sizeof(size_t)];
return strcmp(s1, s2) < 0;


bool CreateChunk(const std::filesystem::path& chunkLocation) override {
if (!parser) {
return false;
WriteChunkData(*parser, true, tripleId);


while (parser) {
if (!WriteChunkData(*parser, true, tripleId)) {

// sort strings

// write strings

return true;

void MergeChunks(const std::vector<actslib::data::KMergerChunk>& chunks, const std::filesystem::path& chunkLocation) override {


void MergeNumbers() {
size_t a1[]{ 1, 4, 7, 9 };
size_t a2[]{ 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 };

struct Arr {
size_t* start;
size_t* end;

std::vector<Arr> vec{
{ std::begin(a1), std::end(a1) },
{ std::begin(a2), std::end(a2) },

actslib::data::iterator::AllocatedMergeAIterator<size_t, Arr> merger{
[](Arr& e) { return std::make_shared<actslib::data::iterator::HandleAIterator<size_t, size_t*>>(e.start, e.end); }

for (; merger; ++merger) {
LOG_INFO("{}", *merger);

int actslibtest(Process& proc, int argc, const char* argv[]) {
const char* type;
if (argc < 3) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +215,7 @@ namespace {

std::ifstream is{ "testcookie.cookie", std::ios::binary};
std::ifstream is{ "testcookie.cookie", std::ios::binary };

if (!is) {
LOG_ERROR("Can't open {}", "testcookie.cookie");
Expand All @@ -80,6 +238,78 @@ namespace {
else if (!_strcmpi(type, "nt")) {

if (argc < 4) {
LOG_ERROR("{} {} nt file", argv[0], argv[1]);
return tool::BAD_USAGE;

std::filesystem::path path{ argv[3] };

auto format = actslib::rdf::GuessFormat(path);

LOG_INFO("Format: {}", actslib::rdf::FormatName(format));

std::ifstream is{ path };

if (!is) {
LOG_ERROR("Can't open {}", path.string());
return tool::BASIC_ERROR;

std::unique_ptr<actslib::rdf::RDFParser> parserPtr = actslib::rdf::CreateParser(format, is, "");

for (auto& parser = *parserPtr; parser; ++parser) {
const auto& triple = *parser;
LOG_INFO("triple: '{}'", triple);

else if (!_strcmpi(type, "merge")) {
else if (!_strcmpi(type, "raio")) {
std::ofstream out{ "test.bin", std::ios::binary };

if (!out) {
LOG_ERROR("Can't open");
return tool::BASIC_ERROR;

actslib::rdf::raio::CompressComponentWriter writer{ out };

writer.WriteNode(1, actslib::rdf::StringComponent{ "test1" });
writer.WriteNode(2, actslib::rdf::StringComponent{ "test 2" });
writer.WriteNode(3, actslib::rdf::StringComponent{ "aaatest3" });


std::ifstream in{ "test.bin", std::ios::binary };

if (!in) {
LOG_ERROR("Can't open 2");
return tool::BASIC_ERROR;

actslib::rdf::raio::CompressComponentReader reader{ in };

for (; reader; ++reader) {

auto& n = *reader;
std::cout << "'" << n.comp << "' " << << "\n";

if (!reader.CheckEnd()) {
LOG_ERROR("Bad end");


return tool::OK;
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/actslib/actslib.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,31 @@
#include "actslib.hpp"

namespace actslib {

template<size_t Buffers, size_t Size>
struct StrBuff {
char buffer[Buffers][Size]{};
size_t loc{};

constexpr size_t NextId() {
return loc = (loc + 1) % Buffers;


const char* va(const char* fmt, ...) {
static thread_local StrBuff<0x10, 0x200> buf{};

va_list va;

va_start(va, fmt);

auto& buff = buf.buffer[buf.NextId()];
sprintf_s(buff, fmt);


return buff;
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/actslib/actslib.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,34 @@
#include <filesystem>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <stdarg.h>

namespace actslib {

const char* va(const char* fmt, ...);

template<typename Type>
struct BasicFormatter {
template<class ParseContext>
constexpr ParseContext::iterator parse(ParseContext& ctx) {
auto it = ctx.begin();
if (it == ctx.end()) {
return it;
if (*it != '}') {
throw std::format_error("Invalid format args.");

return it;

template<class FmtContext>
FmtContext::iterator format(const Type& p, FmtContext& ctx) const {
std::ostringstream out;

out << p;

return std::ranges::copy(std::move(out).str(), ctx.out()).out;

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