Feat/get organizations data #162
Errors 27, Warnings 7
Found 27 errors and 7 warnings
Check failure on line 6 in globals/helpers/src/client-cookie.helper.ts
github-actions / Lint
(prefer-const): 'resultCookitObj' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead.
'resultCookitObj' is never reassigned. Use 'const' instead.
Raw output
3 |
4 | export const getAllCookieClient = (document: DocumentType): CookieObjType => {
> 5 | let resultCookitObj = {}
| ^
6 |
7 | const cookieString = document.cookie
8 | const cookieRecordArray = cookieString.split(';')
Check failure on line 10 in ui/divider/src/divider.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars): 'DividerProps' is defined but never used.
'DividerProps' is defined but never used.
Raw output
7 | import { ThemeType } from '@ui/theme'
8 |
> 9 | import { DividerProps } from './divider.interfaces.js'
| ^
10 |
11 | export const Divider: FC<any> = (props) => {
12 | const { backgroundColor } = props
Check warning on line 29 in ui/error-message/src/error-message.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(null): Unused eslint-disable directive (no problems were reported from 'react-hooks/exhaustive-deps').
Unused eslint-disable directive (no problems were reported from 'react-hooks/exhaustive-deps').
Raw output
26 | errorMessageDispatch({
27 | type: 'set',
> 28 | // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
| ^
29 | errorMessage: checkUrlErrorHook(),
30 | })
31 | }
Check failure on line 33 in ui/error-message/src/error-message.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(react-hooks/exhaustive-deps): React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'errorMessageDispatch'. Either include it or remove the dependency array. If 'errorMessageDispatch' changes too often, find the parent component that defines it and wrap that definition in useCallback.
React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'errorMessageDispatch'. Either include it or remove the dependency array. If 'errorMessageDispatch' changes too often, find the parent component that defines it and wrap that definition in useCallback.
Raw output
30 | })
31 | }
> 32 | }, [])
| ^
33 |
34 | useEffect(() => {
35 | setHide(false)
Check failure on line 4 in ui/scroll/src/scroll.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars): 'maxHeight' is defined but never used.
'maxHeight' is defined but never used.
Raw output
1 | import React from 'react'
2 | import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
> 3 | import { maxHeight } from 'styled-system'
| ^
4 |
5 | import { ScrollProps } from './scroll.interface.js'
6 | import { ScrollContainer } from './scroll.styles.js'
Check failure on line 9 in ui/scroll/src/scroll.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(@typescript-eslint/no-shadow): 'maxHeight' is already declared in the upper scope on line 3 column 10.
'maxHeight' is already declared in the upper scope on line 3 column 10.
Raw output
6 | import { ScrollContainer } from './scroll.styles.js'
7 |
> 8 | const Scroll: React.FC<PropsWithChildren<ScrollProps>> = ({ children, height, maxHeight }) => (
| ^
9 | <ScrollContainer height={height} maxHeight={maxHeight}>
10 | {children}
11 | </ScrollContainer>
github-actions / Lint
(@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars): 'SelectedUsersType' is defined but never used.
'SelectedUsersType' is defined but never used.
Raw output
21 |
22 | import { AddMemberToOrganizationModalProps } from './add-member-to-organization-modal.interfaces.js'
> 23 | import { SelectedUsersType } from './add-member-to-organization-modal.interfaces.js'
| ^
24 | import { HandlerSwitchType } from './add-member-to-organization-modal.interfaces.js'
25 | import { TeamSwitch } from './team-switch/index.js'
26 | import { getOrganizatoinTeamsHook } from './get-organization-teams.hook.js'
github-actions / Lint
(consistent-return): Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function.
Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function.
Raw output
58 | useEffect(() => setButtonActiveHook({ selectedUsers, setButtonActive }), [selectedUsers])
59 |
> 60 | useEffect(() => {
| ^
61 | if (open && !teamsData.length) {
62 | return getOrganizatoinTeamsHook({
63 | open,
github-actions / Lint
(react-hooks/exhaustive-deps): React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'errorMessageDispatch', 'organizationId', and 'teamsData'. Either include them or remove the dependency array.
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'errorMessageDispatch', 'organizationId', and 'teamsData'. Either include them or remove the dependency array.
Raw output
68 | })
69 | }
> 70 | }, [open])
| ^
71 |
72 | const inviteButtonClickHandler = () =>
73 | inviteButtonClickHook({
github-actions / Lint
(arrow-body-style): Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body; move the returned value immediately after the `=>`.
Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body; move the returned value immediately after the `=>`.
Raw output
12 | const token = getTokenCookie(document)
13 |
> 14 | const getOrganizatoinTeamsPromise = () => {
| ^
15 | return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
16 | const client = octokitGraphqlClient(token)
17 |
github-actions / Lint
(no-async-promise-executor): Promise executor functions should not be async.
Promise executor functions should not be async.
Raw output
13 |
14 | const getOrganizatoinTeamsPromise = () => {
> 15 | return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
| ^
16 | const client = octokitGraphqlClient(token)
17 |
18 | try {
github-actions / Lint
(no-console): Unexpected console statement.
Unexpected console statement.
Raw output
30 | resolve(teamsData)
31 | } catch (e) {
> 32 | console.error(e)
| ^
33 | errorMessageDispatch({
34 | type: 'set',
35 | errorMessage: { text: e.message, code: e.status || 0 },
github-actions / Lint
(no-await-in-loop): Unexpected `await` inside a loop.
Unexpected `await` inside a loop.
Raw output
15 | const { githubUserId } = selectedUser
16 |
> 17 | await inviteMemberToOrgaization({
| ^
18 | token,
19 | organizationLogin,
20 | githubUserId,
github-actions / Lint
(no-console): Unexpected console statement.
Unexpected console statement.
Raw output
27 | onBackdropClick()
28 | } catch (e: any) {
> 29 | console.error(e)
| ^
30 | errorMessageDispatch({
31 | type: 'set',
32 | errorMessage: { text: e.message, code: e.status || 0 },
Check failure on line 27 in app/fragments/app-organization-card/src/organization-card.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars): 'organizationId' is assigned a value but never used.
'organizationId' is assigned a value but never used.
Raw output
24 | export const OrganizationCard: FC<OrganizationCardProps> = memo(({ organizationData }) => {
25 | const {
> 26 | id: organizationId,
| ^
27 | name: organizationTitle,
28 | description: organizationDescription,
29 | membersWithRole: { totalCount: membersCount },
github-actions / Lint
(arrow-body-style): Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body; move the returned value immediately after the `=>`.
Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body; move the returned value immediately after the `=>`.
Raw output
11 | const token = getTokenCookie(document)
12 |
> 13 | const getOrganizationsDataPromise = () => {
| ^
14 | return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
15 | try {
16 | const client = octokitGraphqlClient(token)
github-actions / Lint
(no-async-promise-executor): Promise executor functions should not be async.
Promise executor functions should not be async.
Raw output
12 |
13 | const getOrganizationsDataPromise = () => {
> 14 | return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
| ^
15 | try {
16 | const client = octokitGraphqlClient(token)
17 | const response = (await client(GET_VIEWER_ORGANIZATIONS, {
github-actions / Lint
(no-console): Unexpected console statement.
Unexpected console statement.
Raw output
28 | resolve(nodes)
29 | } catch (e: any) {
> 30 | console.error(e)
| ^
31 | errorMessageDispatch({
32 | type: 'set',
33 | errorMessage: { text: e.message, code: e.status || 0 },
github-actions / Lint
(@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars): 'OrganizationCardGridProps' is defined but never used.
'OrganizationCardGridProps' is defined but never used.
Raw output
17 | import { ThemeType } from '@ui/theme'
18 |
> 19 | import { OrganizationCardGridProps } from './organization-card-grid.interfaces.js'
| ^
20 | import { getOrganizationsData } from './get-organizations-data.hook.js'
21 |
22 | export const OrganizationCardGrid: FC<PropsWithChildren> = memo(({ children }) => {
github-actions / Lint
(consistent-return): Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function.
Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function.
Raw output
26 | const errorMessageDispatch = useContext(ErrorMessageDispatchContext) as VoindFunction
27 |
> 28 | useEffect(() => {
| ^
29 | if (!organizationsData.length) {
30 | return getOrganizationsData({
31 | setOrganizationsData,
github-actions / Lint
(react-hooks/exhaustive-deps): React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'errorMessageDispatch' and 'organizationsData.length'. Either include them or remove the dependency array.
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'errorMessageDispatch' and 'organizationsData.length'. Either include them or remove the dependency array.
Raw output
33 | })
34 | }
> 35 | }, [])
| ^
36 |
37 | return (
38 | <GridAutoRows rowHeight='auto' columns={theme.spaces.s2} maxColumnWidth={theme.spaces.hardcore}>
Check failure on line 10 in app/fragments/app-root-layout/src/root-layout.client.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(arrow-body-style): Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body; move the returned value immediately after the `=>`.
Unexpected block statement surrounding arrow body; move the returned value immediately after the `=>`.
Raw output
7 | import { ThemeProvider } from '@ui/theme'
8 |
> 9 | export const RootLayoutClient = ({ children, messages }) => {
| ^
10 | return (
11 | <html>
12 | <body>
Check failure on line 16 in app/fragments/app-users-modal/src/get-organization-members.hook.ts
github-actions / Lint
(no-async-promise-executor): Promise executor functions should not be async.
Promise executor functions should not be async.
Raw output
13 |
14 | const getOrganizationPromise = () =>
> 15 | new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
| ^
16 | const client = octokitGraphqlClient(token)
17 |
18 | try {
Check warning on line 33 in app/fragments/app-users-modal/src/get-organization-members.hook.ts
github-actions / Lint
(no-console): Unexpected console statement.
Unexpected console statement.
Raw output
30 | resolve(membersData)
31 | } catch (e: any) {
> 32 | console.error(e)
| ^
33 | errorMessageDispatch({
34 | type: 'set',
35 | errorMessage: { text: e.message, code: e.status || 0 },
Check failure on line 63 in app/fragments/app-users-modal/src/users-modal.component.tsx
github-actions / Lint
(react-hooks/exhaustive-deps): React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'errorMessageDispatch', 'initMembersCount', 'membersData', and 'organizationId'. Either include them or remove the dependency array.
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'errorMessageDispatch', 'initMembersCount', 'membersData', and 'organizationId'. Either include them or remove the dependency array.
Raw output
60 | })
61 | }
> 62 | }, [open])
| ^
63 |
64 | const handlerRemoveMemberClick = (removeMemberLogin: string) =>
65 | removeMemberHook({ organizationLogin, membersData, setMembersData, removeMemberLogin })