Releases: atmelcorp/sam-ba
Releases · atmelcorp/sam-ba
SAM-BA v3.9
Version 3.9
- SAM9X60: remove Card Detect configuration option
- SAMA7D65: enable anti rollback on SDMMC when a BCP OTP packet is written
- SAM9X7 and SAM9X60: limit the configuration of the Card detect pin to PIO A for SDMMC
- Discard Disable Monitor when Boot Config is "empty"
- Fix wrong display for BootConfig applet traces when emulation was enabled
- SAMA7D65: fix ROM Code console
- Remove "erase" command for SDMMC applet in the inline help
- SAM9X7: fix the offset of the first boot interface config
- Add parameterized applets option for nandflash and qspiflash applets
- Add more details in the shell logs
- Add support for SAMA7D65D2GN8 SOM
- Replace CARD_DETECT by CD in bootconfig applet
- Improve Nandflash block tagging commands
- Add a command to SDMMC applet to enable NRST pin on eMMC
SAM-BA v3.8.1
Version 3.8.1
- Fix PMECC config value for SAM9X60-Curiosity
- Fix PMECC config value for SAMA7D65-Curiosity
- Remove useless parameter for write and verify functions in QML scripts
- Add script examples for SAM9X7
- Add script examples for SAMA7D65
- Add documentation for new SAM-BA option "-u" utilities
- Improve documentation for SAMA7D65
- Add J-Link connection for SAMA7D65
- Add SOM modules support for SAM9X60
- Add SOM modules support for SAM9X75
- Add SOM modules support for SAMA7G54
- Add SAMA5D29-Curiosity support
SAM-BA v3.8
Version 3.8
- Fix PMECC in NAND flash applet for SAM9X7
- Fix QSPI clock in QSPI flash applet for SAM9X7
- Add support for SAMA7D65 devices
- Add external RAM initialisation for SAMA7G5
- Add support for SAM9X60-CURIOSITY board
- Add support for SAMA7D65-CURIOSITY boards
- Add command line help in applet for anti rollback and dualboot configuration
- Add read config command in qspiflash applet
- Add support for SAM9X75-CURIOSITY board
- Improve user guide for SAM9X7
SAM-BA v3.7.1
- Fix bug for multiple JTAGs connection through SAM-BA.
- Add CustKey Applet for SAMA5D3.
SAM-BA v3.7
- Fix ciphered internalflash applet for PIC32CXMT devices
- Fix CHIPID value and mask to correctly indentify supported PIC32CXMT devices for
j-link connection - Fix Nandflash header for SAMA5D2 PTC board
- Add support for SAMA5D29 devices
- Add support for SAM9X7x devices
- Add support for PIC32CXMT devices
- Updated the copyright date in html document.
- Fixed the SDMMC configuration value for SAMA7G5.
SAM-BA v3.3.1
- Added a work-around in 'secure' port to deal with missing USB Zero Length
Packets in the USB device stack of SAMA5 ROM codes. - Fixed the decoding of the Boot Configuration word on SAMA5D2 devices when
when the 'SIGN_MODE_RSA' bit is set. This bug affected the 'readcfg' and
'writecfg' commands of the 'bootconfig' applet. - Fixed typos in the HTML documentation.
- Added a new script to spawn many instances of sam-ba in order
to program as many target devices in parallel through USB connections.
Known limitation: not yet compatible with the '-x' option that executes a QML
script. - Added a new 'pairingmode' applet for SAMA5D2 and SAM9X60 devices:
this 'pairingmode' applet translates a boostrap 'master' image file, ciphered
and signed with, into a bootstrap 'paired' image
file, still ciphered and signed but now using a secret key that is unique to
each device. - Added a new '-w' command line option to change the current working directory
before executing the QML script provided to the '-x' option. - Added Getting Started HTML pages for SAMA5D3 and SAMA5D4 devices.
- Documented the secure boot mode on SAMA5D3 on SAMA5D4 devices.
- Added a "TIMEOUT" debug message in the SecureConnection port.
- Limited verbosity of debug messages in the SecureConnection port when the
trace level is set to 2. The new level 3 now displays debug messages as the
former level 2 did. - Updated presets in the HTML page documenting the 'extram' applet.
API Changes
- Added a new board file for SAMA5D27-WLSOM1-EK boards: '-b sama5d27-wlsom1-ek'
option. - Added a new board file for SAMA5D2-ICP boards: '-b sama5d2-icp' option.
The Winbond W632GU6MB DDR3 chip is not supported yet by the 'extram' applet.
SAM-BA v3.2.3
- Fixed 'extram' applet so the 'preset' parameter can be set from the command
line. - Added missing JLinkARM.dll file in win32 archive.
API Changes
- No changes were made to the QML API