Docker Machine CloudStack Driver is a driver for Docker Machine. It allows to create Docker hosts on Apache CloudStack and Accelerite CloudPlatform.
- Docker Machine 0.5.1 or later
Download the binary from follwing link and put it within your PATH (ex. /usr/local/bin
OSX User can use Homebrew.
brew tap atsaki/docker-machine-driver-cloudstack
brew install docker-machine-driver-cloudstack
docker-machine create -d cloudstack \
--cloudstack-api-url CLOUDSTACK_API_URL \
--cloudstack-api-key CLOUDSTACK_API_KEY \
--cloudstack-secret-key CLOUDSTACK_SECRET_KEY \
--cloudstack-template "Ubuntu Server 14.04" \
--cloudstack-zone "zone01" \
--cloudstack-service-offering "Small" \
--cloudstack-expunge \
The driver is originally written by @svanharmelen.
Atushi Sasaki(@atsaki)