Hyperapp's counter app modularised and typed using parcel.js (bundler) and typescript.
Install parcel.js globally (This is the bundler)
npm install -g parcel-bundler
Install dependencies
npm install
npm start
This app uses iu-ts (immutable update - typescript) to immutably update deep nested objects.
Declarative actions are still recommended, however using iu-ts removes the need to nest actions (allowing for easier refactor).
// The following immutably increments state.counter.count using iu
<button onclick={() => actions.counterUp(1))}>-</button>
export const actions: Actions = {
counterUp: value => state => iu(state, 'counter/count', state.counter.count + value),
counterDown: value => state => iu(state, 'counter/count', state.counter.count - value)
- index.html
- index.tsx
- src
- actions
- components
- main (entry component)
- main.component.tsx
- *Next component down - etc.*
- shared (shared components)
- state
- utils