Simple Minecraft Server updater. Checks for Mineraft server versions here and downloads the latest version if needed.
Me and my son run a Minecraft server at home for fun and he sometimes gets into trouble running it when the client has updated but the server has not. My son is still young so he does not know yet how to update it himself. So we made this to be used in Minecraft servers startup script to update the server automaticaly. As a learning experience more than anything else we made it in c# using .net core 2.1
You will need to have .NET Core
To run the application, copy to the Minecraft server directory and type the following command:
dotnet minecraftserverupdater.dll
This will update to lastest release version by default but to update to latest shapshot version type the following command:
dotnet minecraftserverupdater.dll -s
- .netcore - The general-purpose development platform used
- - JSON framework for .NET
- CommandLineUtils - Command line parsing and utilities for .NET Core and .NET Framework
- Auðunn Baldvinsson - Initial work - audunn
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
- Inspiration by