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Lovelace Windrose card


"Buy Me A Coffee"

Attention! Version (1.0.0 and higher) has breaking configuration changes. The easiest way is to just add the card and modify the generated configuration.

A Home Assistant Lovelace custom card to show wind speed and direction data in a Windrose diagram.

Peview dark

Peview light


HACS (recommended)

This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store). HACS is a third party community store and is not included in Home Assistant out of the box.

Manual install

  1. Download and copy windrose-card.js from the latest release into your config/www directory.

  2. Add the resource reference as decribed below.

CLI install

  1. Move into your config/www directory.

  2. Grab windrose-card.js:

$ wget
  1. Add the resource reference as decribed below.

Add resource reference

If you configure Lovelace via YAML, add a reference to windrose-card.js inside your configuration.yaml:

  - url: /local/lovelace-windrose-card/windrose-card.js?v=0.0.1
    type: module

Else, if you prefer the graphical editor, use the menu to add the resource:

  1. Open any lovelace view
  2. Select from the three dot menu - "edit dashboard"
  3. The three dot menu is then replaced with another one, select the new three-dot menu (and do not select raw configuration editor*, it will tell you when you try to save it with the resource section, that for adding resources you have to use the three-dot menu choice "Manage Resources" instead). Select "Manage Resources"
  4. Click "Add Resource",
  5. Enter this for url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-windrose-card/windrose-card.js
  6. Click the check box for "Javascript Module" and
  7. Click the word "Create" in the corner to add the entry.

Example configurations:

Card options

Name Type Default Required Description
type string x custom:windrose-card.
title string - The card title.
wind_direction_entity object x The wind direction entity, having directing in degrees as the state.
windspeed_entities object x One are more windspeed entities. Only the first is used for the windrose.
refresh_interval number 300 - Refresh interval in seconds
hours_to_show (DEPRECATED) number - Deprecated. Still works for now. Use the data period object instead.
data_period object x Configure what data period to query. See object data_period below. Only one options should be configured.
windspeed_bar_location string bottom - Location of the speed bar graph: bottom, right
center_calm_percentage boolean true - Show the calm speed percentage in the center of windrose. Directions corresponding with speeds in the first speedrange are not displayed in a direction leave.
card_width (EXPERIMENTAL) number 4 - Defines the width of the card in sections layout. Default is 4, max is 16 (I think), full width.
hide_windspeed_bar boolean false - Hides all windspeed bars.
windspeed_bar_full (DEPRECATED) boolean true - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. When true, renders all wind ranges, when false, doesn't render the speed range without measurements.
output_speed_unit (DEPRECATED) string mps - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. Windspeed unit used on card, see Windspeed unit options bellow.
output_speed_unit_label (DEPRECATED) string - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. Overwrite the output speed units name, only for display.
speed_range_beaufort (DEPRECATED) boolean true - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. Uses the Beaufort speed ranges. The exact Beaufort ranges depend on the output windspeed unit. Default is true, when you want to show other speed unit on the bar graph, set this property to false.
speed_range_step (DEPRECATED) number depends on output speed unit - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. Sets the speed range step to use. Not possible for output speed unit bft (Beaufort).
speed_range_max (DEPRECATED) number depends on output speed unit - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. Sets the speed range max to use. Not possible for output speed unit bft (Beaufort). For example: step 5, max 20 creates ranges: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-infinity
speed_ranges (DEPRECATED) object depends on output speed unit - Deprecated. Moved to windspeed_entities object. Define custom speedranges and colours.
cardinal_direction_letters (DEPRECATED) string NESW - The cardinal letters used in the windrose. More info at Cardinal direction letters
direction_labels object - Windrose cardinal direction label configuration. Cardinal_direction_letters configuration is moved into this plus added features. Of this property is defined, the above cardinal_direction_letters config is ignored.
wind_direction_count string 16 - How many wind direction the windrose can display, min. 4 max. 32
windrose_draw_north_offset number 0 - At what degrees the north direction is drawn. For example, if you want the windrose north orientation the same as your properties north orientation
compass_direction object - Configuration for using a compass sensor to rotate the windrose to the correct direction, for use on for example a boat.
current_direction object - Shows the last reported wind direction with a red arrow on the wind rose.
corner_info object - Configuration for displaying entity states in the corners around the windrose.
actions object - Configuration for HA actions, for example to display more-info popups.
matching_strategy string direction-first - How to match direction and speed measurements. Find a speed with each direction or a direction with each speed measurement. Options: direction-first, speed-first, time-frame or full-time. More info at Matching strategies
background_image string - Displays a square image with the same size and exactly behind the outer circle of the windrose.
colors object - Configure colors for different parts of the windrose and windspeedbar. See object Colors.
log_level string WARN - Browser console log level, options: NONE, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE

Object data_period

Only one of the first three options can be used at the same time.

Name Type Default Required Description
hours_to_show number - Show winddata for the last number of hours. Number higher then 0.
period_selector object - Shows period selector buttons, button configured as active will be used as initial hours_to_show value.
from_hour_of_day number - Show winddata from the configured hours till now. 0 is midnight, so only data of the current day is used. If the set hour is not yet arrived, data from the previous day from that hour is used.
time_interval number 60 - Time interval in seconds. Only used by the time-frame matching strategy. More info at Matching strategies
log_measurement_counts boolean false - When set to true, will log measurement and match counts to the browsers console. Can be useful to check the data where the graph is based on. Example output below.

Example console output, when log_measurement_counts is set to true

Directions: 1213 - 20/01/2025, 18:18:01 - 30/01/2025, 18:11:37
Speed:      964 - 20/01/2025, 18:18:01 - 30/01/2025, 18:01:37
Matches:    1213 - min: 0 - max: 67.3 - average: 24.972333 - strategy: direction-first

Object period_selector

Renders buttons to change how many hours back of data is used in the windrose.

Name Type Default Required Description
location string top - Location of the buttons, options: top or bottom
buttons object - List of the period buttons.
active_color string red - The text color of the active button.
active_bg_color string inherit - The background color of the active button.
color string inherit - The text color of the inactive buttons.
bg_color string inherit - The background color of the inactive buttons.

Object button

Default the first button is active after load, if no other active button is configured.

Name Type Default Required Description
hours number x How many hours back of data will be in the windrose.
title string x Button title.
active boolean false - Only one or none should be true. The period with object with true is initial active after loading. When none, the first period is initial active.

Minimal example

         - hours: 1
           title: 1 hour
         - hours: 8
           title: 8 hours

Full example

      location: bottom
      active_color: black
      active_bg_color: yellow
      color: red
      bg_color: black
         - hours: 1
           title: 1 hour
           active: false
         - hours: 8
           title: 8 hours
           active: false
         - hours: 24
           title: 1 day
           active: true
         - hours: 240
           title: 10 days
           active: false

Home Assistant data retention

The hours_to_show option does not have a limit yet. When set higher then is available in Home Assistant, the card will not show a message. Home Assistant has a default entity state retention of 10 days. This can be changed in the recorder configuration. See

Information about the retrieved entity states, counts, dates can writen to the browser console (F12). Set config log_measurement_counts to true.

  hours_to_show: 59
  log_measurement_counts: true

State data

When using entity state data, using an hours_to_show of more then 240 hours (10 days, in reality it's a little bit more) will not give the card more measurements.

Statistics data

When using statistics data, the card uses 5 minute period by default. This is short-term statistics and will not contain more then 10 days (default) history. You can change the default period with the statistics_period config. Keep in mind that the measurement interval for the direction and speed sensor should not differ very much for the best results. So, using monthly for the direction sensor and a 5minute period for the speed sensor will not give a graph with useful information I think.

More info about Home Assistant statistics data:

Object wind_direction_entity

As of version 1.8.2 the direction unit is determined automatic. When the state is numeric, a degree value is assumed. When the state is letters, the direction is determined with the letter combination.

Name Type Default Required Description
entity string x Wind direction entity
attribute string If used, not the state but the attributtes value is deplayed.
use_statistics boolean false - Use Home Assistant 5 minute statistics data, works only if available for this entity. Can make fetching data faster.
statistics_period string 5minute - Statistics period, possible options: 5minute, hour, day, week, month and year. More info about data retention
direction_unit (not used anymore since version 1.8.2) string degrees - Wind direction unit, options: degrees, letters. Where letters being N, NE upto 32 directions.
direction_compensation number 0 - Compensate the measured direction in degrees.
direction_letters string NESWX - Only used when the state consists of letters. Some weather integrations use language specific letters. With this property you can change the default letters used. See for more info.

Object windspeed_entities

See here for some example speed ragne configurations.

Name Type Default Required Description
entity string x Wind speed entity.
attribute string - If used, not the state but the attributtes value is deplayed.
name string - Label, displayed with the windspeed bar.
use_statistics boolean false - Use Home Assistant 5 minute statistics data, works only if available for this entity. Can make fetching data faster.
statistics_period string 5minute - Statistics period, possible options: 5minute, hour, day, week, month and year. More info about data retention
render_relative_scale boolean true - Renders the blocks in the windspeed bar relative to the speedrange size. Set to false evenly distributes the blocks.
speed_unit string auto - Windspeed unit of measurement, see Windspeed unit options bellow. When the speed_range_beaufort property is not set or set to true, the bars will show Beaufort ranges.
windspeed_bar_full boolean true - When true, renders all wind ranges, when false, doesn't render the speed range without measurements.
output_speed_unit string mps - Windspeed unit used on card, see Windspeed unit options bellow.
output_speed_unit_label string - Overwrite the output speed units name, only for display.
speed_range_beaufort boolean true - Uses the Beaufort speed ranges. The exact Beaufort ranges depend on the output windspeed unit. Default is true, when you want to show other speed unit on the bar graph, set this property to false.
speed_range_step number depends on output speed unit - Sets the speed range step to use. Not possible for output speed unit bft (Beaufort) .
speed_range_max number depends on output speed unit - Sets the speed range max to use. Not possible for output speed unit bft (Beaufort). For example: step 5, max 20 creates ranges: 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-infinity
speed_ranges object depends on output speed unit - Define custom speedranges and colours.
dynamic_speed_ranges object - Speed range step and max config, depending on the average wind speed
current_speed_arrow boolean false - Animates an arrow on the windspeed bar indicating the current wind speed.

Windspeed unit options:

Default is auto. When no windspeed unit is configured, the unit_of_measurement from Home Assisstant is used. When using entity attributes, the speed unit will probably not be auto determined. Then you need to add the speed_unit property.

When your windspeed entity uses an unit of measurement not mentioned in the table below, please open an issue in GitHub.

Name Description Input Output Recognized HA units of measurements
auto automatic x
Beaufort Beaufort x Beaufort
mps metres per second x x mps, m/s
kph kilometer per hour x x kph, km/h
mph miles per hour x x mps, m/h
fps feet per second x x fps, f/s
knot knots x x knots, kts, knts, kn, knot

Object speed_ranges

Name Type Default Required Description
from_value number x Start speed of a speed range
color string x Color CSS value
It can be convenient to generate speed_ranges using Python. Credits to @reidprichard

Just enter in the name of any colormap from this page, along with your desired upper and lower bounds and the increment from one range to the next.

from matplotlib import colormaps
cmap = colormaps[COLORMAP_NAME]
for i in range(count):
    f = i/(count-1)
    color_rgba = cmap(f)
    color_scaled = f"rgb({','.join([str(int(n*255)) for n in color_rgba[:3]])})"
    speed = MIN_SPEED + (MAX_SPEED - MIN_SPEED)*f
    print(f'  - from_value: {speed:.1f}\n    color: {color_scaled}')

Object dynamic_speed_ranges

When using dynamic speed range, speed_range_beaufort should be false.

Name Type Default Required Description
average_above number x Average wind speed above or equal this value. Option with 0 is required. Speed defined here should be in the output speed unit. If none is defined, it's meter per second (mps).
step number x Range steps to be used if average speed is above configurated value.
max number x Max speed, used to calculate how many steps are used.
  - entity: sensor.wind_speed
    name: Speed
    speed_range_beaufort: false
      - average_above: 0
        step: 2
        max: 10
      - average_above: 10
        step: 4
        max: 20
      - average_above: 15
        step: 8
        max: 30

Object direction_labels

Name Type Default Required Description
cardinal_direction_letters number NESW The property is used to configure what is displayed on the windrose. Only 4 letters allowed. It is not used to parse sensor states. The direction_letters property is used for that.
show_cardinal_directions boolean true If true, renders the cardinal direction labels.
show_intercardinal_directions boolean false If true, renders the intercardinal directions labels.
show_secondary_intercardinal_directions boolean false If true, renders the secondary intercardinal direction labels.
cardinal_directions_text_size number 50 Cardinal direction label text size.
intercardinal_directions_text_size number 40 Intercardinal direction label text size.
secondary_intercardinal_directions_text_size number 30 Secondary intercardinal direction label text size.
custom_labels object Custom labels, to override auto generated labels base on the cardinal_direction_letters property. More info below.

The 4 letters of cardinal_direction_letters property are used to construct all direction labels. To use custom labels, add the custom_labels property. See example below.

It's not mandatory to define all custom_labels options. Just define the ones you want to overwrite with a custom text.

   cardinal_direction_letters: ABCD
   show_cardinal_directions: true
   show_intercardinal_directions: true
   show_secondary_intercardinal_directions: true
   cardinal_directions_text_size: 60
   intercardinal_directions_text_size: 45
   secondary_intercardinal_directions_text_size: 30
      n: A
      e: B
      s: C
      w: D
      ne: E
      se: F
      sw: G
      nw: H
      nne: I
      ene: J
      ese: K
      sse: L
      ssw: M
      wsw: N
      wnw: O
      nnw: P

Cardinal direction letters

Deprecated, this property lives on the root level and will be removed.

Replaced with direction_labels property.

Property name: cardinal_direction_letters

The property is used to configure what is displayed on the windrose. It is not used to parse sensor states. The direction_letters property is used for that.


  1. 4 letters, the default is NESW
    cardinal_direction_letters: NESW
  2. Comma seperaated list, for example:
    cardinal_direction_letters: North,East,South,West
  3. Empty string, to hide the labels.
    cardinal_direction_letters: ''

Object current_direction

Shows the current wind direction. The arrow is pointing too where to wind is flowing too. When the sensor state is not a direction a red center dot is displayed. Some sensors can have a value like CALM or VRB, indicating there is no direction measured.

Name Type Default Required Description
show_arrow boolean false x Start speed of a speed range
arrow_size number 50 Size of the arrow
center_circle_size number 30 Size of the center circle, only when not using center_calm_percentage. Then a red circle is displayed around the center percentage.
hide_direction_below_speed number When current windspeed (output speed unit is used) is equal or below this value, the arrow is hidden and the center red dot or circle is shown.

Object compass_direction

This configuration is only needed if you want the windrose to rotate on an compass entity. Usefull on for example a boat. You can also make a helper number entity to rotate the windrose on manual input.

Name Type Default Required Description
auto_rotate boolean x Use auto rotation, false to turn off.
entity string x Compass or other direction entity, needs degrees as unit.
attribute string If used, not the state but the attributtes value is deplayed.

Object corner_info

Configuration for displaying information in the corners around the windrose.

Name Type Default Required Description
top_left object Configration for top left corner
top_right object Configration for top right corner
bottom_left object Configration for bottom left corner
bottom_right object Configration for bottom right corner

Object top_left, top_right, bottom_left and bottom_right

Name Type Default Required Description
label string Label
unit string Unit, displayed after the state, without a space. If you need space, add it to the config.
color string --primary-text-color Color of the text.
label_text_size number 50 The text size of the label.
value_text_size number 80 The text size of the entity's state.
entity string x State of the entity will be displayed
attribute string If used, not the state but the attributtes value is deplayed.
input_unit string Input unit, not automatically determined. See for options Unit conversion
output_unit string Output unit
precision string Overwrites (if available) the precision of the entity. For rounding the value, for example after converting to an other unit.
direction_letters string NESWX The cardinal direction letters used for winddirection conversion. When using 4 letters, the x directions will not be used.

Corner Info unit conversion

Supported unit types for windspeed sensors:

Config Description
bft Beaufort
mps Meter per second
kph Kilometer per hour
mph Miles per hour
fps Feet per second
knots Knots

Supported unit types for wind directions sensors:

Config Description
degrees Direction in degreees, number from 0 to 359
letters Cardinal direction letters

The units degrees and letters can only be used in combination with each other. The card does not check the sensor type you are using. So, converting a light switch from degreees to letters will result in errors in the browsers console.

Example corner_info yaml

    label: Current gust speed
    unit: ' m/s'
    entity: sensor.gorredijk_wind_gust
    label_text_size: 40
    value_text_size: 30
    input_unit: kph
    output_unit: mps
    precision: 2
    label: Wind direction
    unit: °
    color: red
    entity: sensor.gorredijk_wind_direction_azimuth
    input_unit: degrees
    output_unit: letters
    direction_letters: NOZWX
    label: Compass
    unit: °
    entity: input_number.compass

Object actions

The tap and double-tap actions described in the Home Assistant documentation are supported. See link: Home Assistant action documentation

See example yaml below on how to use. Btw, you can only configure actions for the first 2 speed bars.

Name Type Default Required Description
top_left object Configration for top left corner
top_right object Configration for top right corner
bottom_left object Configration for bottom left corner
bottom_right object Configration for bottom right corner
windrose object Configration for the windrose
speed_bar_1 object Configration for the first speedbar
speed_bar_2 object Configration for the second speedbar


  • top_right: toggle light
  • windrose: navigate to an other page within Home Assitant.
  • buttom_left: open an url in an other browser tab.
  • others: show popup with more info about the entity.

Example actions yaml

      entity: weather.home
      attribute: wind_speed
      action: more-info
      entity: switch.light
      action: toggle
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/floorplan
      entity: sensor.wind_direction
      action: more-info
      action: url
      entity: sensor.wind_speed
      action: more-info
      entity: sensor.wind_gust
      action: more-info

Matching strategies

The matching strategies can result in a different graph, depending on your sensors. How many state updates they get.

Direction first

Config value: 'direction-first'

Every direction state during the configuration time frame is used for the graph. The algorithm searches for the last speed state at the time of the direction state measurment. It's possible not all speed state are used in the graph.

Speed first

Config value: 'speed-first'

Every speed state during the configuration time frame is used for the graph. The algorithm searches for the last direction state at the time of the direction state measurement. It's possible not all direction states are used in the graph.

It's probably best to choose the sensor that reports the most updates as first.

Time frame

Config value: 'time-frame'

Extra data_period config: 'time-interval'

Time is leading. For every moment back in time (default every 60 seocnds) the direction and speed states are determined. For data sources that only update state changes, this should result in a better graph.

For the first two strategies, a percentage in the graph is a percentage of the measurement count not a percentage of time.

Full time

Config value: 'full-time'

For every speed measurement the wind direction at that timestamp is determined. The same is done for every direction measurement. Then for every measurement combination the amount of seconds that combination was active is determined. With that data the wind rose percentages are calculated.

I think this strategy results in the best graph, but it possibly takes to much CPU power to calculate on some devices.

Object colors

For some values the theme variable --primary-text-color is used. This is needed if HA switches theme and light/dark mode. CSS color values are allowed.

Name Type Default Required Description
rose_lines string rgb(160, 160, 160) Circles, borders and the cross color
rose_direction_letters (DEPRECATED) string --primary-text-color Direction labels colors
rose_cardinal_direction_labels string --primary-text-color Cardinal direction labels color
rose_intercardinal_direction_labels string --primary-text-color Intercardinal direction labels color
rose_secondary_intercardinal_direction_labels string --primary-text-color Secondary intercardinal direction labels color
rose_center_percentage string auto Center calm percentage color. Auto means black or white depending on background color.
rose_percentages string --primary-text-color Percentage legend color
rose_current_direction_arrow string red Current direction arrow color
bar_border string rgb(160, 160, 160) Bar border color
bar_unit_name string --primary-text-color Unit name color
bar_name string --primary-text-color Entity name color
bar_unit_values string --primary-text-color Unit value color
bar_percentages string auto Percentage color. Auto means black or white depending on background color.

Example colors yaml

  rose_lines: 'rgb(0,255,0)'
  rose_cardinal_direction_labels: 'green'
  rose_intercardinal_direction_labels: 'purple'
  rose_secondary_intercardinal_direction_labels: 'yellow'
  rose_center_percentage: 'red'
  rose_percentages: 'blue'
  rose_current_direction_arrow: 'purple'
  bar_border: 'hsl(200, 100%, 60%)'
  bar_unit_name: 'purple'
  bar_name: 'yellow'
  bar_unit_values: 'blue'
  bar_percentages: 'orange'

Examples using custom speed ranges

Custom fixed length speed ranges:

Uses speed_range_step and speed_range_max.


type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind direction
  hours_to_show: 24
windspeed_bar_full: true
  entity: sensor.wind_direction
  - entity: sensor.wind_speed
    name: Average
    speed_range_beaufort: false
    output_speed_unit: mps
    speed_range_step: 5
    speed_range_max: 25

When you want full control

Uses speed_ranges configuration, custom ranges and colors.

Always make sure there is a speedrange starting from 0, otherwise you can the this error:

Speed is not in a speedrange: 0.6 unit: mps


type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind direction
  hours_to_show: 24
windspeed_bar_full: true
  entity: sensor.wind_direction
  - entity: sensor.wind_speed
    name: Average
    output_speed_unit: mps
    speed_range_beaufort: false
      - from_value: 0
        color: rgb(0,255,0)
      - from_value: 5
        color: yellow
      - from_value: 10
        color: hsl(200, 100%, 60%)
      - from_value: 20
        color: orange
      - from_value: 40
        color: red

Some configuration examples

Minimal configuration

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Minimal configuration
  hours_to_show: 4
  entity: sensor.wind_direction
  - entity: sensor.wind_speed
    name: Speed
  show_arrow: true

Maximum configuration

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Maximum configuration
      location: bottom
      active_color: black
      active_bg_color: yellow
         - hours: 1
           title: 1 hour
         - hours: 8
           title: 8 hours
         - hours: 24
           title: 1 day
           active: true
         - hours: 240
           title: 10 days
refresh_interval: 300
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
  entity: sensor.wind_direction_letters
  use_statistics: false
  direction_compensation: 0
  direction_letters: NOZWX
  - entity: sensor.wind_speed
    name: Speed
    speed_unit: auto
    use_statistics: false
    windspeed_bar_full: true
    output_speed_unit: mps
    speed_range_beaufort: true
  - entity: sensor.wind_gust
    name: Gust
    speed_unit: auto
    use_statistics: false
    windspeed_bar_full: false
    output_speed_unit: mps
    speed_range_beaufort: false
      - from_value: 0
        color: rgb(0,255,0)
      - from_value: 2
        color: yellow
      - from_value: 5
        color: hsl(200, 100%, 60%)
      - from_value: 10
        color: orange
      - from_value: 15
        color: red
windrose_draw_north_offset: 10
  show_arrow: true
  arrow_size: 50
  center_circle_size: 30
  hide_direction_below_speed: 3
  auto_rotate: false
  entity: input_number.compass
    label: Current gust speed
    unit: " knots"
    entity: sensor.wind_gust
    label_text_size: 50
    value_text_size: 50
    input_unit: kph
    output_unit: knots
    precision: 1
    label: Wind direction
    unit: °
    color: red
    entity: sensor.wind_direction_azimuth
    input_unit: degrees
    output_unit: letters
    label: Compass
    unit: °
    entity: input_number.compass
    label_text_size: 40
    label: Outside light
    entity: light.wind_station_light
    label_text_size: 40
      entity: sensor.wind_gust
      action: more-info
      entity: switch.light
      action: toggle
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/plattegrond-tablet
      entity: sensor.rain
      action: more-info
      action: url
      entity: sensor.temp_outside
      action: more-info
      entity: sensor.max_temp_outside
      action: more-info
   cardinal_direction_letters: NESW
   show_cardinal_directions: true
   show_intercardinal_directions: true
   show_secondary_intercardinal_directions: true
   cardinal_directions_text_size: 60
   intercardinal_directions_text_size: 45
   secondary_intercardinal_directions_text_size: 30
      n: A
      e: B
      s: C
      w: D
      ne: E
      se: F
      sw: G
      nw: H
      nne: I
      ene: J
      ese: K
      sse: L
      ssw: M
      wsw: N
      wnw: O
      nnw: P
show_intercardinal_directions: true
show_secondary_intercardinal_directions: true
matching_strategy: full-time
background_image: /hacsfiles/lovelace-windrose-card/bg.png
center_calm_percentage: true
  rose_lines: rgb(0,255,0)
  rose_cardinal_direction_labels: green
  rose_intercardinal_direction_labels: purple
  rose_secondary_intercardinal_direction_labels: yellow
  rose_center_percentage: red
  rose_percentages: blue
  rose_current_direction_arrow: purple
  bar_border: hsl(200, 100%, 60%)
  bar_unit_name: purple
  bar_name: yellow
  bar_unit_values: blue
  bar_percentages: auto

Getting errors?

Make sure you have javascript_version: latest in your configuration.yaml under frontend:.

Make sure you have the latest versions of windrose-card.js.

If you have issues after updating the card, try clearing your browser cache.

If you have issues displaying the card in older browsers, try changing type: module to type: js at the card reference in ui-lovelace.yaml.


This project is under the MIT license.