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FOSS Workshops

Erika Austhof edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 8 revisions

This page is for content learned during the FOSS workshops.

Pre-FOSS Workshop


  • Command line interface: how you can navigate and talk with the computer, where you type
  • Shell interface: commands and sending them, when you type enter
  • Terminal: the window itself which opens the command line, which sends information using shell scripts (the language)
  • The command line interface in Windows does not work with Unix
  • ~$ man ls gives you the manual for the ls command, navigate up and down with the arrow keys
  • ls -a -l -h -a gives you all the files, -l gives you a longer description, and -h is human readable
  • I realized a lot of these commands are the same we used in the R for Reproducibility workshop! So that's exciting to know there's a lot of overlap between Unix command line code and R code in the RStudio terminal. ** mkdir make a directory, touch create empty file, nano or vim text editors, mv move command, cp copy rm remove command


As part of the pre-workshops for FOSS we needed to download and install Docker. Since I am a Windows user, I also needed to install a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), and Ubuntu in order to execute some of the commands we'll be working on. I went through this tutorial which helps you learn the basics of images, containers, and working with Docker Desktop.

To Do List

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