Postman collection for the Avalanche Network Runner.
- Download Postman
- Import the Avalanche Network Runner Postman Collection. Import -> Upload Files ->
- Import the Example Avalanche Network Runner Postman Environment. Settings -> Import -> Choose Files ->
- Call any Avalanche Network Runner endpoint
Create an Avalanche Subnet with 5 validators running and instance of the Subnet EVM in 60 seconds.
Fire up a server. This should be the only command-line step 👏
avalanche-network-runner server \
--log-level debug \
--port=":8080" \
Now, in Postman, paste the following into the POST body for Controls/Start.
"execPath": "{{avalanchego_exec_path}}",
"numNodes": {{num_nodes}},
"logLevel": "{{log_level}}",
"pluginDir": "{{avalanchego_plugin_path}}",
"blockchainSpecs": [
"vm_name": "{{vm_name}}",
"genesis": "{{vm_config_path}}"
check in the response for the subnet id
"subnets": {
"p433wpuXyJiDhyazPYyZMJeaoPSW76CBZ2x7wrVPLgvokotXz": {
Paste the following into the POST body for Controls/CreateSubnets.
"participants": [
Paste the following to Control/CreateBlockchains to create an instance of the Subnet EVM.
"pluginDir": "{{avalanchego_plugin_path}}",
"blockchainSpecs": [
"vm_name": "{{vm_name}}",
"genesis": "{{genesis_path}}",
"subnet_id": "{{subnet_id}}"
First create a feature branch by branching off of main
, next make the improvements on your feature branch and lastly create a pull request to merge your work back in to main