Stimulation for functional runs of fMRI event-related design
Initial script Federica Falagiarda - adapted by Alice Van Audenhaege and Remi Gau
October 2022
There are some git submodules needed to run the code. To clone the repository and all submodules, use the following command:
git clone --recursive
Once fully run, this script has given an events.tsv and events.json output file.
There are 9 possible syllables portrayed by 3 speakers
- SYL: F P L * A I E
- Speakers : S1, S2, S3
- Number of stimuli per run = 27 stims
Possible modality for each run:
- visual (lipreading) or
- auditory (speech).
The order of presentation of modalities is fixed within participant but varies
across. It is defined manually at the beginning of the script
1 acquisition run = 1 block = 1 modality
The scanner will be relaunched after each run.
The script waits for the trigger to start the next run.
Time calculation for each run :
- 27 stim + 2 or 3 targets
- trial duration = 2s stim + 3s ISI = 5s
- block/run duration = (27 x 5s) + (2 or 3 targets x 5s) = 145 or 150s
A repetition consists of 2 runs, 1 of each modality (visual and auditory).
The number of repetition desired (nReps
) is asked at the beginning of the
script (ideally 18-20 reps in total, over 2 sessions).
To be used with a folder named stimuli
containing the following files stored
on OSF in
To download them just type (for MacOS and linux):
make clean
make stimuli