You will find the working examples of various design patterns explained in Java
- SingletonPattern
- SingletonAccesThreadExample
- PrototypePattern
- FactoryPattern
- BuilderPatternOldWay
- BuilderPatternUsingStaticBuildMethod
- AbstractFactoryPattern
- CompositePattern
- DecoratorPattern
- FacadePattern
- FlyWeightPattern
- ObjectAdapterPattern ( not classAdapterPattern as Java doesnot supports multiple inheritance)
- ProxyPattern
- ChainOfResponsibiltyPattern
- CommandPattern
- InterpreterPattern( without the context object to be interpreted, but the context here provides helper methods)
- InterpreterPattern2( has the context object, on which the interpretation happens)
- IteratorPattern ( demonstrated by using user defined List type object collection and customised Iterator)
- MediatorPattern
- MementoPattern
- ObserverPattern
- StatePattern
- StrategyPattern
- TemplatePattern
- VisitorPattern
Thanks :)