Final project for my Complex Systems course, from my MSc in Computer Science: Physarum polycephalum slime mould computing simulations.
By Matteo Coppola, Luca Palazzi, Antonio Vivace.
Clone the project locally: git clone
Be sure you are on Unity 2018.3.14f1 (64-bit).
Use windows to produce the webgl build, since on linux it doesn't work, reporting
il2cpp/build/il2cpp.exe did not run properly!
Unity -> Open Project -> Select the "UnityProject" folder inside the cloned repository. Once the project import finished, drag and drop the "SampleScene" from the assets folder (Project Pane) into the Hyerarchy pane.
Each attached component and selected asset for a component loses its link due to cache being invalidated when exporting/importing so you have to manually select:
- SimulationManager script, attached to GameObject
- ImageAsset, pointing to the desired map to run
- Tile: tile(Tile)
- Camera: the main Camera
- Click on Tile from the inspector, and select the sprite (DefaultSprite)
- Attach the CameraManager script to the Main Camera
Double click on "SampleScene" then you can run the project (Play).
You need a webgl build to deploy and plug the application into the VueJS UI.
Launch the Unity webgl build and select Physarum/webapp/public/unitybuild
as destination folder. Refresh the web application because the webpack/vue hot reloads breaks UnityLoader.
A simple VueJS application, using Vuetify as CSS framework.
npm run serve
Due to GitHub limitations for github pages, we use the master
branch to deploy builds, and the develop
as an actual branch.
npm run deploy
Builds the web application and deploys it at
An internal API has been developed to allow bidirectional stateful comunication between the VueJS instance and the webgl build of the Unity application. The Unity application is able to send updates about the status of the simulation to Vue, so we can se real time updates, while the Vue application can send actions and modify parameters or select the map.
Vue -> Unity's PayloadHandler
Unity ExternalCall -> Vue
To build:
cd docs/
pdflatex report.tex