Prettier package for pre-commit>=0.12.0.
For pre-commit: see
For Prettier: see
Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: '' # Use the sha or tag you want to point at
- id: prettier
args: [] #list of args like '--single-quote', '--jsx-bracket-same-line', '--print-width 120', '--no-bracket-spacing'
additional_dependencies: ['prettier@1.1.0']
PS: These are for version 2.3.0 visit for latest config syntax or for config syntax specific to your version
1. Why does pre-commit say failed everytime prettier changes the file.
A. This is how pre-commit works. You need to just add the files again and commit. This is done so that you can verify the changes.
2. Prettier has lot more args that you dont support.
A. Just add them as args in the above snippet. See comment in the snippet above for example.