This is the TSlint hook for pre-commit. This prevents git commits unless the checks pass.
- To use this you first need to install pre-commit(see links below).
- Then create a pre-commit config file and also the linter config file in the root of your project.
- Run
pre-commit install
from the root of your project
Finally add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: git://
rev: '' # Use the sha or tag you want to point at
- id: tslint
additional_dependencies: ['tslint@5.0.0']
PS: These are for version 2.3.0 visit for latest config syntax or for config syntax specific to your version
Now everytime you commit a ts file. It will run tslint on this and prevent commit if the checks fail.
To use with
include it asadditional_dependencies
To check type or if linter complaints of type include the following args (but this will slow down your commit)
- id: tslint
args: ['--project','tsconfig.json','--type-check']
For pre-commit: see
For stylelint: see