This is a toy program written in Rust for retrieving temperature data from a DS18B20 sensor attached via the one-wire interface to a Raspberry Pi.
This was developed on macOS and cross-compiled for a Raspberry Pi 3. To ease in cross-compiling, cross and rustup were used.
First, rustup
was used to retrieve the appropriate target components rustup target add armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
Then, cross
was used to transparently create a Docker environment for the cross-compilation toolchain via cross build --target armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf
. Output from cross
is placed in target/
as if cargo
was used directly.
The program is quite simple (it mostly just reads from the w1
virtual file system). By default it outputs the temperature from the sensor in farenheit, or if either -r/--raw
is passed it outputs it in millicelsius.
I setup a cron job on my Raspberry Pi to submit the latest temperature data to a Google Sheet via one of the proxy Google Sheet API services. For example, the cron entry looks something like:
*/15 18,19,20 * * * curl -X POST '' --data "[{ \"Time\": \"$(date -u +"\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%SZ")\", \"Temperature\": $(~/rpi-ds18b20-rust --raw) }]"