The ACK Multi-Controller Helm chart, shortened to ack-chart
, acts as a wrapper
for all ACK controllers released under General Availability (GA).
lists each ACK controller as a subchart dependency.
is currently in developer preview and is subject to breaking
Helm 3.8+ is required to install ack-chart
, since it is hosted in an
OCI-based image registry.
To install the latest version of ack-chart
, use the following command:
export LATEST_VERSION=`curl -sL | grep '"tag_name":' | cut -d'"' -f4`
helm install --create-namespace -n ack-system ack-chart \
oci:// --version=$LATEST_VERSION
By default, when installing the ack-chart
, none of the subcharts are
installed. To enable a subchart, set the value associated with the ACK
controller - either using --set SERVICE.enabled=true
or by configuring
the option in your values.yaml
file. For example, to enable the
, enable using the s3
path like so:
enabled: true
Helm exposes all of the values for the underlying subcharts, just use the name
of the service as the parent key and provide any overrides in the same
structure as the subchart expects. For example, to update the aws.region
the s3
enabled: true
region: "us-east-1"
is versioned independently of the subcharts it contains. As any of
the dependencies are updated, the version for ack-chart
is also updated. If
any of the dependencies is incremented by a minor version, the ack-chart
also incremented by a minor version.
The continuous deployment scripts live in the test-infra
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.