Release updated Standard (3.0, 4.0, 5.0) and Amazon Linux (2.0, 3.0) images
This release includes the following updates:
- DOTNET_31 3.1.419
- DOTNET_5 5.0.408
- Ruby_26 2.6.10
- Ruby_27 2.7.6
- Python_37 3.7.13
- Python_38 3.8.13
- Python_39 3.9.12
- PHP_73 7.3.33
- PHP_74 7.4.29
- PHP_80 8.0.18 (#506)
- Golang_14 1.14.15 (#518)
- Golang_15 1.15.15 (#518)
- Golang_16 1.16.15 (#518)
- Node_12 12.22.12
- Node_14 14.19.2 (#525)
- Stunnel 5.64
- aws-iam-authenticator 1.22.6
- kubectl 1.22.6
- amazon-ssm-agent 3.1.1374.0
- powershell 7.1.7
- ant 1.10.12
- sbt 1.6.2
- docker 20.10.15