WARNING: nixies need high voltage to light up. If you choose to build or use the device, you are doing so at your own risk.
- The firmware is designed to work with a specific Fronius hybrid inverter using the Solar API V1. Firmware changes are needed for other inverters and configurations.
- This repository does not contain a complete project design. The design of the high voltage power supply (170V / ≥75mA) is not provided. I recommend using a professionally designed and extensively tested HV PSU.
- Be aware that I'm just an electronics hobbyist and nixie enthusiast. However, this repository is only intended for suitable qualified electronics engineers who are familiar with nixie tubes.
- Please read all documents in Docs before deciding whether to build the device.
- I'm not affiliated with any of the service providers mentioned in this project.
- Software: ready to be reviewed (beta)
- Hardware: ready to be reviewed (beta)
Displayed Values:
Nixie tubes used in this project:
- 15 x IN-12A or IN-12B
- 10 x IN-15A
- 4 x IN-15B
Additional Features:
- LED backlight
- Ethernet connection
Nixie Solar Power Flow Monitor