A django rest authentication service backend that handles storage of users account and authentication of their identities.
The following have been unit tested and ready to use:
- Register
- Login (JWT)
- Login (Refresh JWT)
- Request Email
- Verify Email (Uid & Token)
- Logout
- Change Password
- Reset Password
- Reset Password Complete
- Suspend User
- Google OAuth (In Progress)
Download and Import the schema to your favourite API testing tool (postman, insomnia, etc) to get the endpoints and expected payload.
- Python (3.8, 3.9.*)
- Django (2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.*)
1). Install using pip
pip install django-authentication-service
2). Add authentication_service
Make sure that you have djangorestframework
, djangorestframework-simplejwt
and drf-yasg
installed in your apps.
# django installed apps
# already added to installed_apps
# this will help document the apis using either swagger or redoc
# new line
3). Configure the AUTH_USER_MODEL
in the setting:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "authentication_service.AccountUser"
4). Register the account user model to the admin; if you don't want to - set it to False:
REGISTER_USER_MODEL = True # this will show the user model on the django admin
5). In order to use the pre-built email templates, you'd have to include the name of your site (or product name) and the contact email:
"site_name": "Authentication Service",
"contact_email": "contact@authentication-service.com"
6). Include the authentication_service
URLs in your project urls.py:
path('auth/', include('authentication_service.urls')),
7). Run python manage.py migrate
to create new migrations based on the changes on the model.
8). Start the development server:
python manage.py runserver 8080
To get the service up and running, follow the steps below:
1). Run the commands below in your terminal:
git clone git@github.com:israelabraham/authentication-service-be.git
2). Change directory to authentication-service-be:
cd authentication-service-be
3). Rename the .env.template
file to .env
and update the values.
4). Build and run the service with:
docker-compose up --build
The service will build and run on port 8080
If you find a code smell, or bad practice(s) anywhere while exploring through the codebase - kindly create an issue stating what it is; or fix the code smell, bad practice or whatever it is you found. As the saying goes, multiple heads are better than one. winks
Disclaimer: Everything you see here is open and free to use as long as you comply with the license. There are no hidden charges. We promise to do our best to fix bugs and improve the code quality.