Eva Ascarza and Ayelet Israeli
Forked from https://github.com/grf-labs/grf
This package is not available on CRAN and must be built from source. On Windows you will need RTools from https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ and on OS X you will need the developer tools documented in https://mac.r-project.org/tools/.
Please note that this package only runs on R-4.2.3 or earlier, see installation instructions below.
First install the devtools
package, then use it to install beat
install.packages(c("devtools", "ggplot2")) ## ggplot2 only needed for example
devtools::install_version("RcppEigen", "") ## beat does not work with newer RcppEigen
devtools::install_version("RcppArmadillo", "") ## beat does not work with newer RcppArmadillo
devtools::install_github("ayeletis/beat") ## do not update the RcppEigen or RcppArmadillo package if prompted
The package offers three new functions: balanced_causal_forest, balanced_regression_forest, balanced_probability_forest.
All arguments are the same as the original package, but there are two new inputs: target.weight.penalty indicates the penalty assigned to the protected attributes. target.weights is a matrix that includes the protected characteristics. X should not inlcude the protected characteristics.
See full details about the BEAT method in the original paper: Eliminating unintended bias in personalized policies using bias-eliminating adapted trees (BEAT)
## ----------------------------------------------
## Simulate some data
## ----------------------------------------------
n1 = 1000; #calibration
n2 = 1000; #validation
p_continuous = 4 # number of continuous features (unprotected)
p_discrete = 3 # number of discrete features (unprotected)
p_demog = 1 # number of protected attributes
n = n1 + n2
# Features (unprotected)
X_cont = matrix(rnorm(n*p_continuous), n, p_continuous)
X_disc = matrix(rbinom(n*p_discrete, 1, 0.3),n,p_discrete)
X = cbind(X_cont,X_disc)
# Protected attributes, discrete and continuous, where the first one is correlated with X[,2]
Z = rbinom(n, 1, 1/(1+exp(-X_cont[,2])))
# Tau -- in this example in depends on X[2] but no on Z
tau <- (-1 + pmax(X[,1], 0) + X[,2] + abs(X[,3]) + X[,5])
# Random assignment
W = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
# Output for regression forest (no treatment)
Y_r = X[,1] - 2*X[,2] + X[,4] + 3*Z + runif(n) # Y is function of X, Z(demo)
# Output for causal forest
Y = Y_r + tau*W # Y is function of X, Z(demo), tau*W
train_data = data.frame(Y=Y[c(1:n1)],
tau = tau[c(1:n1)],
Y_r = Y_r[c(1:n1)])
test_data = data.frame(Y=Y[c((n1+1):(n1+n2))],
tau = tau[c((n1+1):(n1+n2))],
Y_r = Y_r[c((n1+1):(n1+n2))])
Xcols = grep("X", names(train_data), value=TRUE)
Zcols =grep('Z', names(train_data), value=TRUE)
## train
X_train = train_data[,c(4:10)]
W_train = train_data$W
Z_train = train_data[,2]
Y_train = train_data$Y
Y_r_train = train_data$Y_r
## test
X_test = test_data[,c(4:10)]
Z_test = test_data$Z
## model specs
num_trees = 2000
my_penalty = 10 # When penalty = 0 it corresponds to GRF
## ----------------------------------------------
## Estimate Balanced Causal Forest
## ----------------------------------------------
fit_causal_beat <- balanced_causal_forest(X_train, Y_train, W_train,
target.weights = as.matrix(Z_train),
target.weight.penalty = my_penalty,
num.trees = num_trees)
## Predict CBT causal scores
cbt_causal_train = predict(fit_causal_beat)$predictions
cbt_causal_test = predict(fit_causal_beat, X_test)$predictions
## ----------------------------------------------
## Estimate Balanced Regression Forest
## ----------------------------------------------
fit_regression_beat <- balanced_regression_forest(X_train, Y_r_train,
target.weights = as.matrix(Z_train),
target.weight.penalty = my_penalty,
num.trees = num_trees)
## Predict CBT regression scores
cbt_regression_train = predict(fit_regression_beat)$predictions
cbt_regression_test = predict(fit_regression_beat, X_test)$predictions
## ----------------------------------------------
## Check balance in test scores
## ----------------------------------------------
dat.plot = data.table(cbt_causal = cbt_causal_test,
cbt_regr = cbt_regression_test,
true_causal = test_data$tau,
true_reg = test_data$Y_r,
Z = as.factor(Z_test))
p1 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
x='true_causal', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='true causal')
p2 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
x='cbt_causal', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='cbt causal')
p3 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
x='true_reg', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='true regression')
p4 = ggdensity(data=dat.plot,
x='cbt_regr', color='Z', fill='Z', alpha=0.2, add = "mean", title='cbt regression')
grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, ncol=2)