- Project Overview
- Technologies Used
- Architecture
- Repository Structure
- Software Requirements for Running the Project
- How to Run
- Dashboards
- Acknowledgments
- Conclusion
- Contacts
This project aims to predict smartphone prices using a combination of batch and stream processing techniques in a Big Data environment. The architecture follows the Lambda Architecture pattern, providing both real-time and batch processing capabilities to users.
- Ingestion Layer: Apache Kafka (message broker)
- Stream Layer: XGBoost (machine learning model), Apache HBase (real-time View)
- Batch Layer: Apache Spark (data processing framework), Apache Airflow (workflow orchestration), PostgreSQL (data warehouse (Batch View))
- Visualization: Spring Boot (web application framework), Power BI (interactive dashboards)
The project architecture consists of five main layers: the ingestion layer, the batch layer, the stream layer, the serving layer and the visualization layer.
- Apache Kafka: Utilized for real-time data ingestion from an API providing smartphone data.
- Consumer: Collects data from the API and feeds it into the stream and batch layer.
- Producer: A machine learning model developed using XGBoost to estimate smartphone prices. This model runs in real-time and stores predictions in a realtime view. (details about the model here )
- HDFS: Data from the API is stored in HDFS as part of the data lake solution.
- PySpark: Performs data transformation on stored data using PySpark.
- Apache Airflow: Orchestrates the batch processing workflow.
- Realtime View: Implemented using HBase to provide real-time access to predicted smartphone prices.
- Batch View: Transformed data is stored in PostgreSQL, as the data warehouse solution.
- Spring Boot Web Application: Provides a user interface to view real-time smartphone prices.
- Power BI Dashboard: Provides batch users with a visualization of processed data.
The repository is organized as follows:
| architecture.png
| dashboard_phone.png
| run_web_app.png
| spring_boot_web_app.png
| commands.sh
| Dashboard.pbix
| workspace.xml
| | docker-compose.yaml
| | producer.py
| | transform.py
| |
| +---.idea
| | | .gitignore
| | | .name
| | | misc.xml
| | | modules.xml
| | | price prediction (big data envirnment).iml
| | | vcs.xml
| | | workspace.xml
| | |
| | \---inspectionProfiles
| | profiles_settings.xml
| |
| +---Batch_layer
| | | batch_layer.py
| | | batch_pipeline.py
| | | HDFS_consumer.py
| | | put_data_hdfs.py
| | | save_data_postgresql.py
| | | spark_tranformation.py
| | | __init__.py
| | |
| | +---dags
| | | syc_with_Airflow.py
| | | __init__.py
| | |
| | \---__pycache__
| | batch_layer.cpython-310.pyc
| | HDFS_consumer.cpython-310.pyc
| | put_data_hdfs.cpython-310.pyc
| | save_data_postgresql.cpython-310.pyc
| | spark_tranformation.cpython-310.pyc
| | __init__.cpython-310.pyc
| |
| +---ML_operations
| | | xgb_model.pkl
| | |
| | \---__pycache__
| +---real_time_web_app(Flask)
| | | app.py
| | | get_Data_from_hbase.py
| | |
| | +---static
| | | +---css
| | | | style.css
| | | |
| | | \---js
| | | script.js
| | |
| | +---templates
| | | index.html
| | |
| | \---__pycache__
| | get_Data_from_hbase.cpython-310.pyc
| |
| +---Stream_data
| | | stream_data.csv
| | | stream_data.py
| | |
| | \---__pycache__
| +---Stream_layer
| | insert_data_hbase.py
| | ML_consumer.py
| | stream_pipeline.py
| | __init__.py
| |
| \---__pycache__
| producer.cpython-310.pyc
| transform.cpython-310.pyc
\---real_time_app(Spring boot)
| .classpath
| .gitignore
| .project
| HELP.md
| mvnw
| mvnw.cmd
| pom.xml
| \---wrapper
| maven-wrapper.jar
| maven-wrapper.properties
| org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
| org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
| org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs
| +---main
| | +---java
| | | \---com
| | | \---example
| | | \---demo
| | | | RealTimeAppApplication.java
| | | |
| | | +---controller
| | | | IndexController.java
| | | |
| | | \---service
| | | HbaseService.java
| | |
| | \---resources
| | | application.properties
| | |
| | +---static
| | | +---css
| | | | style.css
| | | |
| | | \---js
| | | script.js
| | |
| | \---templates
| | index.html
| |
| \---test
| \---java
| \---com
| \---example
| \---demo
| RealTimeAppApplicationTests.java
| | application.properties
| |
| +---com
| | \---example
| | \---demo
| | | RealTimeAppApplication.class
| | |
| | +---controller
| | | IndexController.class
| | |
| | \---service
| | HbaseService.class
| |
| +---META-INF
| | |
| | \---maven
| | \---com.example
| | \---real_time_app
| | pom.properties
| | pom.xml
| |
| +---static
| | +---css
| | | style.css
| | |
| | \---js
| | script.js
| |
| \---templates
| index.html
This project requires the following software to be installed and configured on your system:
Big Data Stack:
- Apache Kafka (version 2.6.0)
- Apache HBase (version 1.2.6)
- Apache Hadoop (version 2.7.0)
- Apache Spark (version 3.3.4)
- PostgreSQL database
Programming Languages and Frameworks:
- Python (version 3.10.x or later)
- Java 17 (or compatible version)
- Spring Boot
Machine Learning Library:
- XGBoost
Additional Tools:
- Apache Airflow
- Power BI Desktop
By installing and configuring these tools, you will have the necessary environment to run this project and leverage its real-time and batch processing capabilities for smartphone price prediction and analysis.
To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/aymane-maghouti/Big-Data-Project
- Start Apache zookeeper
zookeeper-server-start.bat C:/kafka_2.13_2.6.0/config/zookeeper.properties
- Start Kafka server
kafka-server-start.bat C:/kafka_2.13_2.6.0/config/server.properties
- Create Kafka topic
kafka-topics.bat --create --topic smartphoneTopic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Run the kafka producer
kafka-console-producer.bat --topic smartphoneTopic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Run the kafka consumer
kafka-console-consumer.bat --topic smartphoneTopic --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Start HDFS and yarn (start-all or start-dfs and start-yarn)
- Start Hbase
- Run thrift server (for Hbase)
hbase thrift start
after all this run stream_pipeline.py
and then open the spring boot appliation in your idea and run it (you can access to the web app locally on localhost:8081/
note that there is another version of the web app developed using Flask micro-framework(watch the demo video for mor details)
- Start the Apache Airflow instance:
docker-compose up -d
Access the Apache Airflow web UI (localhost:8080) and run the DAG
- Start Apache Spark
- Start Apache zookeeper
zookeeper-server-start.bat C:/kafka_2.13_2.6.0/config/zookeeper.properties
- Start Kafka server
kafka-server-start.bat C:/kafka_2.13_2.6.0/config/server.properties
- Run the kafka producer
kafka-console-producer.bat --topic smartphoneTopic --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Run the kafka consumer
kafka-console-consumer.bat --topic smartphoneTopic --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- Run HDFS and yarn (start-all or start-dfs and start-yarn)
- Open power BI file
attached with this project
after all this run syc_with_Airflow.py
This project utilizes two dashboards to visualize smartphone price predictions and historical data:
- This dashboard is built using a Spring Boot web application.
- It displays the predicted price of smartphones in real-time.
- Users can access this dashboard through a web interface.
Here is the UI of th Spring Boot web application:
- This dashboard leverages Power BI for interactive data exploration.
- It provides insights into historical smartphone price trends.
- This dashboard is designed for batch users interested in historical analysis.
Here is the Dashboard created in Power BI:
- Special thanks to the open-source communities behind
,Spring Boot
- This big data architecture effectively predicts smartphone prices in real-time and provides historical analysis capabilities. The Lambda architecture facilitates efficient stream processing for real-time predictions using XGBoost and HBase, while Apache Airflow orchestrates batch processing with Spark to populate the PostgreSQL data warehouse for historical insights. This solution empowers real-time and batch users with valuable price information, enabling data-driven decision-making.
you can watch the demo video here
For any inquiries or further information, please contact:
- Name: Aymane Maghouti
- Email: aymanemaghouti16@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Aymane Maghouti