A Java wrapper around the TMDb v3 API using retrofit.
For test usage, you must define in your personal gradle.properties (not this project's file):
- TMDB_TEST_ID = TMDb user id
- TMDB_TEST_GOOD_PSWD = password for bullet 1
- TMDB_TEST_BAD_PSWD = invalid password for bullet 1
- TMDB_TEST_API_KEY = your TMDb v3 api key
##How To Include It:
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Add this library to your dependencies:
implementation 'com.github.b12kab.tmdblibrary:tmdblibrary:TAG'
See project gradle files
See test cases in tmdblibrary/src/test/
for more examples.