an easy to use script for generating Payloads that bypasses antivirus
Metasploit Framework
Written by b3rito at mes3hacklab
chmod +x
b3rito@antani ~/trolo $ ./
______ +/ .| _____ ____ ____ _ ____
>== '| b3 \_| /__ __\/ __\/ _ \/ \ / _ \
/ |trust| \/ / \ | \/|| / \|| | | / \|
|_ | me |__| | | | /| \_/|| |_/\| \_/|
( )|_____( ) \_/ \_/\_\\____/\____/\____/
(__) (__) KEEPING IT SIMPLE! v1.0
Usage: ./ -i [IP] -p [PORT] -n [NAME] -f [FORMAT] -a [ARCH. x86/x64]
-i: Local host IP address
-p: Local host port number (default: 443)
-n: Output file name (default: PAYLOAD)
-a: Architecture x86/x64 (default: x64)
-f: Output format: hta, js, vbs, custom
-g: Enter the full URL where powershell grabs the txt file from
(default: "http://YourIp/FileName.txt")
-q: Enter alternative URL where powershell grabs Invoke-Shellcode.ps1 from
-u: Update
insert your IP: