The nREPL server from babashka as a library, so it can be used from other sci-based CLIs.
Sci is available here:
To start a server, call babashka.nrepl.server/start-server!
. To stop a
server call babashka.nrepl.server/stop-server!
Before you start a server you will need to create a sci context:
(require '[sci.core :as sci])
(require '[sci.addons :as addons])
(def opts (-> {:namespaces {' {'x 1}}} addons/future))
(def sci-ctx (sci/init opts))
A sci context is derived from options as documented in sci.core/eval-string
and contains the runtime state of a sci session. This context is re-used over
successive REPL invocations.
To start an nREPL server in your project, call
. The call takes two arguments, your
initial sci context and some options including the IP address to bind to, the
port number and optional debug and quiet flags. E.g.:
(babashka.nrepl.server/start-server! sci-ctx {:host "" :port 23456})
;; Started nREPL server at
If :debug
is set to true
, the nREPL server will print to stdout all the
messages it is receiving over the nREPL channel.
If :debug-send
is set to true
, the server will also print the
messages it is sending.
if :quiet
is set to true
, the nREPL server will not print out the message
"starting nREPL server at...". If not specified then :quiet
defaults to
, and the message will be printed.
If :port
is not specified, it defaults to 1667
If :host
is not specified, it defaults to
(bind to every interface).
If :xform
is not specified, it defaults to babashka.nrepl.server.middleware/default-xform
. See the middleware docs for more info.
Options can contain a :describe
map which will be merged in with the response
for the :describe
If no options hashmap is specified at all, all the defaults will be used. Thus the following is a valid way to launch an nREPL server.
(babashka.nrepl.server/start-server! sci-ctx)
;; Started nREPL server at
Pass the result you received from start-server!
to stop-server!
to shut down
the server.
(babashka.nrepl.server/start-server! sci-ctx)
Started nREPL server at
Use babashka.nrepl.server/parse-opt
to parse strings like:
(babashka.nrepl.server/parse-opt "localhost:1667")
;;=> {:host "localhost", :port 1667}
(babashka.nrepl.server/parse-opt "1667")
;;=> {:host nil, :port 1667}
You can pass the return value of parse-opt
to start-server!
(babashka.nrepl.server/parse-opt "localhost:23456"))
Babashka's nrepl server supports middleware for customizing, augmenting, and extending the server's default behavior. If you'd like to add logging, extra nrepl operations, or other extensions, check out the middleware documentation.
Often you will want to launch the server and then block execution until the server is shutdown (at which point the code will continue executing), or ctrl-C is pressed (at which point the process will exit). This can be achieved as follows:
(babashka.nrepl.server/start-server! sci-ctx {:host ""
:port 1667})
Connecting to the nREPL from CIDER gives:
;; nREPL:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Could not resolve symbol: clojure.main/repl-requires [at line 1, column 42]
This is because some nREPL clients use clojure.main/repl-requires
find a list of automatic requires to run at the beginning of the
nREPL. Simply supply a value in you sci bound namespace for this
(-> sci-ctx
(assoc-in [:namespaces 'clojure.main 'repl-requires]
'[[clojure.repl :refer [dir doc]]])
The main body of work was done by Michiel Borkent (@borkdude). Addition rework and some added functionality was done by Crispin Wellington (@retrogradeorbit). Middleware support added by Adrian Smith (@phronmophobic).
The project code is Copyright © 2019-2020 Michiel Borkent
It is distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (