DOM 3 and 4 XPath 1.0 implemention for browser and Node.js environment with support for custom Function, Variable and Namespace mapping.
Install with npm:
npm install xpath-ts
This library is xml engine agnostic but I recommend to use xmldom-ts, xmldom or jsdom
npm install xmldom-ts
npm install xmldom
npm install jsdom
Can be found here. See below for example usage.
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = '<book><title>Harry Potter</title></book>';
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml);
const nodes ='//title', doc);
console.log(nodes[0].localName + ': ' + nodes[0];
console.log('Node: ' + nodes[0].toString());
title: Harry Potter
Node: <title>Harry Potter</title>
Using the same interface you have on modern browsers (MDN)
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = "<book author='J. K. Rowling'><title>Harry Potter</title></book>";
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml);
const result = doc.evaluate(
'/book/title', // xpathExpression
doc, // contextNode
null, // namespaceResolver
xpath.XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, // resultType
null // result
let node = result.iterateNext();
while (node) {
console.log(node.localName + ': ' +;
console.log('Node: ' + node.toString());
node = result.iterateNext();
title: Harry Potter
Node: <title>Harry Potter</title>
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = '<book><title>Harry Potter</title></book>';
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml);
const title ='string(//title)', doc);
Harry Potter
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = "<book><title xmlns='myns'>Harry Potter</title></book>";
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml);
const node ="//*[local-name(.)='title' and namespace-uri(.)='myns']", doc)[0];
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = "<book xmlns:bookml=''><bookml:title>Harry Potter</bookml:title></book>";
const select = xpath.useNamespaces({ bookml: '' });
console.log(select('//bookml:title/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue);
Harry Potter
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = "<book xmlns=''><title>Harry Potter</title></book>";
const select = xpath.useNamespaces({ bookml: '' });
console.log(select('//bookml:title/text()', doc)[0].nodeValue);
Harry Potter
import { DOMParserImpl as dom } from 'xmldom-ts';
import * as xpath from 'xpath-ts';
const xml = "<book author='J. K. Rowling'><title>Harry Potter</title></book>";
const doc = new dom().parseFromString(xml);
const author = xpath.select1('/book/@author', doc).value;
J. K. Rowling
git clone ''
cd xpath-ts
npm install
npm run build
You will get the transpiled code under '/dist/lib' and typings under '/dist/types'.
Run standard tests with Mocha + Chai testing framework
npm test
- Cameron McCormack - Initial work - blog
- Yaron Naveh - blog
- goto100
- Jimmy Rishe
- Thomas Weinert
- Matus Zamborsky - TypeScript rewrite - Backslash47
- Others - others
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.