Just like the original Fail2Ban, this configurable and easy to use solution works by scanning
logs, in this case the Windows event log from the Win32-OpenSSH service and bans IPs with
too many failed authentication attempts, whether with passwords or public/private key authentication. It does this by updating firewall rules
to reject new connections from those IPs for a configurable amount of time.
[IPv4 & IPv6 are supported]
This program is able to reduce the rate of incorrect authentication attempts, but cannot eliminate the risk presented by weak authentication. Make sure to configure your sshd service securely, this might help:
For a SSH audit: sshaudit.com
sshd config reverence: linux.die.net
The installation is straight forward and only takes a couple clicks:
- Download the latest installer from the releases and execute it
- Follow the installation instructions
- Done
- The installer will extract the following files to
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Fail2Ban\
: the service applicationF2B-CLI.exe
: the commandline interfaceconfig.txt
: the config file
C:\Program Files\OpenSSH-Fail2Ban\
will be added to the System Path variable, makingF2B-CLI.exe
globally accessible in the command line. -
will be registered as a Windows Service with the nameOpenSSH Fail2Ban
and is configured by default to start at boot.
The solution consists of two components: the service and the command line application. The command line application has the same functionality plus management features for banned IPs, 'trusted' IPs and IPs ban history.
By default the program will check every 5 seconds (LogScanIntervall=5/s
) the last hour (LogScanTime=1/h
) of the sshd log, and will ban every IP that exceeds 10 failed attempts (FailTrigger=10
By default, if the server and client are unable to exchange their banners or fail to negotiate a key exchange algorithm, this will be counted as a failed attempt, which can be deactivated (CountBannerError=true
Furthermore, automatic permanent bans are deactivated (PermBan=false
) by default.
The ban duration can be configured like the following:
(More or less values are possible)
Forexample, this will result in the first ban being 1 hour long, the third 1 day and the 7th 3 months long, after 7 times the last configured time will be used (3 months in this example), if PermBan
is set to true, the IP will be permanently banned.
Alternatively if BanTime=off
& PermBan=true
the IP will be permanently banned on the first offense.
A misconfiguration will not result in a crash, but in a fallback to the default value of the invalid setting and an error message in the event log.
When a ban is triggered, the program will block the IP based on its history for the configured amount of time and adds it to its database, automatic unbans are handled by the Windows Task Scheduler, which updates the firewall & database.
Furthermore, every ban is logged in the Windows event log under OpenSSH-Fail2Ban
with the following information:
- banned IP
- failed authentication method / used username*s
- assigned ban ID
- times banned before
- ban duration
- ban time
- unban time
You can display all possible commands via F2B-CLI /help
Shows all possible commands and format -
Shows the Application version and link to this page -
Starts the service with formatted output in the current terminal session -
with following parameters:
Shows a formatted list which contains the ban ID, IP, ban date & unban date
Shows a formatted list with all configured 'Trusted' IPs
Shows a formatted list which contains all IPs that have been banned and how often
History x.x.x.x
Shows the ban history of given IP x.x.x.x
with following parameters:
Banned x.x.x.x
Bans IP x.x.x.x permanently and adds it to the database
Trusted x.x.x.x
Adds IP x.x.x.x to the list of trusted IPs (IP will be ignored by the service)
with following parameters:
Trusted x.x.x.x
Removes IP x.x.x.x from the list of trusted IPs (when 'all' instead of an IP is used, all IPs are targeted)
History x.x.x.x
Removes history of IP x.x.x.x (can be used with 'all')
Banned x.x.x.x
Unbans IP x.x.x.x & removes it from the database (can be used with 'all')
Banned x.x.x.x /S
Unbans IP x.x.x.x & prevents a reban if the IP happens to be in the log scan time (can be used with 'all')
This information is stored in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH-Fail2Ban
Written in C# 10.0 and running on .Net Framework 4.8
Ram usage ~15 MB
Tested with OpenSSH V8.9.1.0p1