Setup proces for commencing work with Reefbot (camera yet to be integrated0:
- clone this repository "reefbot-1": to your catkin workspace Forked from: Thanks Max.
- Next build your catkin workspace "catkin_make" If your ros catkin workspace is setup and all prior dependencies resolved this shoud be 100% success. We will revisit the software setup after setup of the physical robot.
- You need the control box, and the necessary power and data cable (harness) to the control box (AC supply from the wall) and the harness [data + power] from the control box to the robot.
- Plug in and power the control box. The indicator on the wifi router should glow.
- Engage the e-stop in the control box.
- Next connect the [robot to controller harness].
- Release e-stop
- Did the LEDs (internal) on the robot blink? Did the head lights on the robot blink? Did the robot greet you (tune)?
If yes, your setup is read? If not, -- refer to the debug guide.
Continuing with the software setup process: 7. Connect to "reefbot" wifi. To check the connected devices login as admin w/ "password" @ You might not notice the robot as a connected device - but FYI the robot IP is 8. roscore 9. migrate to the reefbot-contrller/bin directory in reefbot-1 repo. 10. execute test_joy python file "./" 10. rosrun joy joy_node