Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a technology designed to facilitate the electronic transfer of business documents among various organizations. The Ballerina EDI tool provides a set of command line tools to work with EDI files in Ballerina.
Execute the command below to pull the EDI tool from Ballerina Central.
$ bal tool pull edi
The tool supports three main usages as follows.
- Code generation: Generate Ballerina records and parser functions for a given EDI schema.
- Package generation: Generates Ballerina records, parser functions, utility methods, and a REST connector for a given collection of EDI schemas and organizes those as a Ballerina package.
- Schema conversion: Convert various EDI schema formats to Ballerina EDI schema format.
Prior to utilizing the EDI Tools, it is crucial to define the structure of the EDI data meant for import. Developers have the option to utilize the Ballerina EDI Schema Specification for guidance. This specification outlines the essential components required to describe an EDI schema, encompassing attributes such as name, delimiters, segments, field definitions, components, sub-components, and additional configuration options.
As an illustrative example, consider the following EDI schema definition for a simple order, assumed to be stored as schema.json
"name": "SimpleOrder",
"delimiters" : {"segment" : "~", "field" : "*", "component": ":", "repetition": "^"},
"segments" : [
"code": "HDR",
"tag" : "header",
"minOccurances": 1,
"fields" : [{"tag": "code"}, {"tag" : "orderId"}, {"tag" : "organization"}, {"tag" : "date"}]
"code": "ITM",
"tag" : "items",
"maxOccurances" : -1,
"fields" : [{"tag": "code"}, {"tag" : "item"}, {"tag" : "quantity", "dataType" : "int"}]
This schema can be employed to parse EDI documents featuring one HDR segment, mapped to the header, and any number of ITM segments, mapped to items. The HDR segment incorporates three fields, corresponding to orderId, organization, and date. Each ITM segment comprises two fields, mapped to item and quantity.
Below is an example of an EDI document that can be parsed using the aforementioned schema. Let's assume that the following EDI information is saved in a file named sample.edi
The below command can be used to generate typed Ballerina records and parser functions for a given EDI schema.
bal edi codegen -i <input schema path> -o <output path>
The above command generates all Ballerina records and parser functions required for working with data in the given EDI schema and writes those into the file specified in the output path
. The generated parser function (i.e. fromEdiString(...)
) can read EDI text files into generated records, which can be accessed from Ballerina code similar to accessing any other Ballerina record. Similarly, the generated serialization function (i.e. toEdiString(...)
) can serialize generated Ballerina records into EDI text.
Create a new Ballerina project named sample
and create a module named orders
inside that project by using the below commands:
$ bal new sample
$ cd sample
$ bal add orders
Create a new folder named resources in the root of the project and copy the schema.json
and sample.edi
files into it. At this point, the directory structure of the project would look like below:
├── Ballerina.toml
├── Dependencies.toml
├── main.bal
├── modules
│ └── orders
│ ├── Module.md
│ ├── orders.bal
│ ├── resources
│ └── tests
│ └── lib_test.bal
└── resources
├── sample.edi
└── schema.json
Ballerina records for the EDI schema in the resources/schema.json
can be generated as follows (generated Ballerina records will be saved in modules/order/records.bal
Run the below command from the project root directory to generate the Ballerina parser for the above schema.
bal edi codegen -i resources/schema.json -o modules/orders/records.bal
Generated Ballerina records for the above schema are shown below:
public type Header_Type record {|
string code = "HDR";
string orderId?;
string organization?;
string date?;
public type Items_Type record {|
string code = "ITM";
string item?;
int? quantity?;
public type SimpleOrder record {|
Header_Type header;
Items_Type[] items = [];
The generated fromEdiString
function can be used to read EDI text files into the generated Ballerina record as shown below. Note that any data item in the EDI can be accessed using the record's fields, as shown in the example code.
import ballerina/io;
import sample.orders;
public function main() returns error? {
string ediText = check io:fileReadString("resources/sample.edi");
orders:SimpleOrder sample_order = check orders:fromEdiString(ediText);
The generated toEdiString
function can be used to serialize SimpleOrder
records into EDI text as shown below:
import ballerina/io;
import sample.orders;
public function main() returns error? {
orders:SimpleOrder simpleOrder = {header: {code: "HDR", orderId: "ORDER_200", organization: "ABC_Store", date: "17-05-2024"}};
simpleOrder.items.push({code: "ITM", item: "A680", quantity: 15});
simpleOrder.items.push({code: "ITM", item: "A530", quantity: 2});
simpleOrder.items.push({code: "ITM", item: "A500", quantity: 4});
string ediText = check orders:toEdiString(simpleOrder);
Usually, organizations have to work with many EDI formats, and integration developers need to have a convenient way to work on EDI data with minimum effort. Ballerina EDI libraries facilitate this by allowing organizations to pack all EDI processing codes for their EDI collections into an importable package. Therefore, integration developers can simply import those libraries and convert EDI messages into Ballerina records in a single line of code.
The below command can be used to generate Ballerina records, parser and util functions, and a REST connector for a given collection of EDI schemas organized into a Ballerina package:
bal edi libgen -p <organization-name/package-name> -i <input schema folder> -o <output folder>
The Ballerina package will be generated in the output folder. This package can be built and published by issuing "bal pack" and "bal push" commands from the output folder. Then the generated package can be imported into any Ballerina project and generated utility functions of the package can be invoked to parse EDI messages into Ballerina records.
Let's assume that an organization named "CityMart" needs to work with X12 850, 810, 820, and 855 to handle purchase orders. CityMart's integration developers can put schemas of those X12 specifications into a folder as follows:
|-- CityMart
Then the libgen command can be used to generate a Ballerina package as shown below:
bal edi libgen -p citymart/porder -i CityMart/schemas -o CityMart/lib
The generated Ballerina package will look like below:
|-- CityMart
| |--modules
| | |--m850
| | | |--G_850.bal
| | | |--transformer.bal
| | |--m810
| | | |--G_810.bal
| | | |--transformer.bal
| | |--m820
| | | |--G_820.bal
| | | |--transformer.bal
| | |--m855
| | |--G_855.bal
| | |--transformer.bal
| |--Ballerina.toml
| |--Module.md
| |--Package.md
| |--porder.bal
| |--rest_connector.bal
As seen in the above project structure, code for each EDI schema is generated into a separate module, to prevent possible conflicts. Now it is possible to build the above project using the bal pack
command and publish it into the central repository using the bal push
command. Then any Ballerina project can import this package and use it to work with purchase order-related EDI files. An example of using this package for reading an 850 file and writing an 855 file is shown below:
import ballerina/io;
import citymart/porder.m850;
import citymart/porder.m855;
public function main() returns error? {
string orderText = check io:fileReadString("orders/d15_05_2023/order10.edi");
m850:Purchase_Order purchaseOrder = check m850:fromEdiString(orderText);
m855:Purchase_Order_Acknowledgement orderAck = {...};
string orderAckText = check m855:toEdiString(orderAck);
check io:fileWriteString("acks/d15_05_2023/ack10.edi", orderAckText);
It is quite common for different trading partners to use variations of standard EDI formats. In such cases, it is possible to create partner-specific schemas and generate a partner-specific Ballerina package for processing interactions with the particular partner.
EDI libraries generated in the previous step can also be compiled to a jar file (using the bal build
command) and executed(using the bal run
command) as a standalone Ballerina service that processes EDI files via a REST interface. This is useful for microservice environments where the EDI processing functionality can be deployed as a separate microservice.
For example, the "citymart" package generated in the above step can be built and executed as a jar file. Once executed, it will expose a REST service to work with X12 850, 810, 820, and 855 files.
The below REST call can be used to convert an X12 850 EDI text to JSON using the REST service generated from the "citymart" package:
curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/porderParser/edis/850' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
--data-raw 'GS*PO*SENDERID*RECEIVERID*20240802*1705*1*X*004010~
PER*BD*John Doe*TE*1234567890*EM*john.doe@example.com~
The above REST call will return a JSON response like the below:
"X12_FunctionalGroup": {
"FunctionalGroupHeader": {
"code": "GS",
"GS01__FunctionalIdentifierCode": "PO",
"GS02__ApplicationSendersCode": "SENDERID",
"GS03__ApplicationReceiversCode": "RECEIVERID",
... // Other fields
... // Other fields
"InterchangeControlTrailer": {
"code": "IEA",
"IEA01__NumberofIncludedFunctionalGroups": 1.0,
"IEA02__InterchangeControlNumber": 1.0
The below REST call can be used to convert a JSON to X12 850 EDI text using the REST service generated from the "citymart" package:
curl --location 'http://localhost:9090/ediParser/objects/850' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"X12_FunctionalGroup": {
"FunctionalGroupHeader": {
"code": "GS",
"GS01__FunctionalIdentifierCode": "PO",
"GS02__ApplicationSendersCode": "SENDERID",
"GS03__ApplicationReceiversCode": "RECEIVERID",
"GS04__Date": "20240802",
"GS05__Time": "1705",
"GS06__GroupControlNumber": 1.0,
... // Other fields
... // Other fields
"InterchangeControlTrailer": {
"code": "IEA",
"IEA01__NumberofIncludedFunctionalGroups": 1.0,
"IEA02__InterchangeControlNumber": 1.0
The above REST call will return an X12 850 EDI text response like the below:
PER*BD*John Doe*TE*1234567890*EM*john.doe@example.com~
Instead of writing Ballerina EDI schema from scratch, the Ballerina EDI tool also supports converting various EDI schema formats to Ballerina EDI schema format.
X12, short for ANSI ASC X12, is a standard for electronic data interchange (EDI) in the United States. It defines the structure and format of business documents such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, allowing for seamless communication between different computer systems. X12 standards cover a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing.
The below command can be used to convert the X12 schema to the Ballerina EDI schema:
bal edi convertX12Schema -H <enable headers mode> -c <enable collection mode > -i <input schema path> -o <output json file/folder path> -d <segment details path>
$ bal edi convertX12Schema -i input/schema.xsd -o output/schema.json
EDIFACT, which stands for Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce, and Transport, is an international EDI standard developed by the United Nations. It's widely used in Europe and many other parts of the world. EDIFACT provides a common syntax for exchanging business documents electronically between trading partners, facilitating global trade and improving efficiency in supply chain management.
The below command can be used to convert the EDIFACT schema to the Ballerina EDI schema:
bal edi convertEdifactSchema -v <EDIFACT version> -t <EDIFACT message type> -o <output folder>
$ bal edi convertEdifactSchema -v d03a -t ORDERS -o output/schema.json
ESL, or Electronic Shelf Labeling, is a technology used in retail stores to display product # and information electronically. Instead of traditional paper price tags, ESL systems use digital displays that can be updated remotely, allowing retailers to change prices in real-time and automate # strategies.
The below command can be used to convert ESL schema to Ballerina EDI schema:
bal edi convertESL -b <segment definitions file path> -i <input ESL schema file/folder> -o <output file/folder>
$ bal edi convertESL -b segment_definitions.yaml -i esl_schema.esl -o output/schema.json
The Issues and Projects tabs are disabled for this repository as this is part of the Ballerina library. To report bugs, request new features, start new discussions, view project boards, etc., visit the Ballerina library parent repository.
This repository only contains the source code for the package.
Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 21. You can download it from either of the following sources:
Note: After installation, remember to set the
environment variable to the directory where JDK was installed. -
Download and install Ballerina Swan Lake.
Download and install Docker.
Note: Ensure that the Docker daemon is running before executing any tests.
Execute the commands below to build from the source.
To build the package:
./gradlew clean build
Note: The content of the
file will be wiped out during the build process.
To run the tests:
./gradlew clean test
To build the without the tests:
./gradlew clean build -x test
As an open-source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.
For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.
All the contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.
- For more information go to the EDI Tool documentation.
- For example demonstrations of the usage, go to Ballerina By Examples.
- Chat live with us via our Discord server.
- Post all technical questions on Stack Overflow with the #ballerina tag.