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This project still in BETA so you may face problems, Please open an issue so i'll fix them..!!
- AnonSurf
- Information Gathering
- Password Attack
- Wireless Attack
- SQL Injection Tools
- Phishing Attack
- Web Attack Tool
- Post exploitation
- Forensic Tools
- Payload Creator
- Router Exploit
- Wifi Jamming
- XSS Attack Tool
- SocialMedia Finder
- DDos Attack Tools
- Steganography Tools
- IDN Homograph Attack
- Hash Cracking Tools
- SocialMedia Attack
- Android Hack
- Update System
- Anonmously Surf
- Multitor
- Nmap
- Dracnmap
- Port Scanning
- Host To IP
- Xerosploit
- Infoga - Email OSINT
- ReconSpider
- RED HAWK (All In One Scanning)
- ReconDog
- Striker
- Cupp
- WordlistCreator
- Goblin WordGenerator
- Credential reuse attacks
- WiFi-Pumpkin
- pixiewps
- Bluetooth Honeypot GUI Framework
- Fluxion
- Wifiphisher
- Wifite
- EvilTwin
- sqlmap tool
- NoSqlMap
- Damn Small SQLi Scanner
- Explo
- Blisqy - Exploit Time-based blind-SQL injection
- Leviathan - Wide Range Mass Audit Toolkit
- SQLScan
- Setoolkit
- SocialFish
- Shellphish
- BlackEye
- I-See_You(Get Location using phishing attack)
- SayCheese (Grab target's Webcam Shots)
- QR Code Jacking
- SlowLoris
- Skipfish
- SubDomain Finder
- CheckURL
- Blazy
- Vegile - Ghost In The Shell
- Chrome Keylogger
- Bulk_extractor
- Disk Clone and ISO Image Aquire
- AutoSpy
- The FatRat*
- Brutal
- Stitch
- MSFvenom Payload Creator
- Venom Shellcode Generator
- Spycam
- RouterSploit
- Fastssh
- Find SocialMedia By Facial Recognation System
- Find SocialMedia By UserName
- SteganoHide
- StegnoCracker
- Whitespace
- SlowLoris
- SYN Flood DDoS Weapon
- UFOnet
- GoldenEye
- DalFox(Finder of XSS)
- XSS Payload Generator
- Advanced XSS Detection Suite
- Extended XSS Searcher and Finder
- XSS-Freak
- XSpear
- XSSCon
- XanXSS
- Hash Buster
git clone
chmod -R 755 hackingtool
cd hackingtool
sudo pip3 install -r requirement.txt
sudo hackingtool
After Following All Steps Just Type In Terminal root@kaliLinux:~ hackingtool
Feel free to make a pull request if you feel that you have improve this tool