A simple express and NodeJS app to create a server that serves a REST API
- CRUD operations against a MongoDB with Mongoose
- Automatic authentication with JsonWebToken
It allows for the login of users and superusers (admins) and CRUD operations are allowed only to admins and the user affected by the operation (i.e. a normal user can update it's own info)
GET /api-help -> returns a webpage that describes the API entry points and usage
POST /user -< body:{username, email, password} -> returns token :: adds user to list of users
POST /# -< body:{username, password} -> returns token
GET /users -< header:token -> depending on the token, returns a list of all or just non-admin users
GET /users/admin -< header:token (admin) -> return list of admin users
GET /user/token -< header:token -> returns the token's user details, without the password
GET /user/*userName* -< header:token (self/admin) -> returns the user's details, without the password
PUT /user/*userName* -< body:{email, password}, header:token (self/admin) -> updates user info
DELETE /user/*userName* -< header:token (self/admin) -> deletes the user in database
- POST /user with {username, password, email} will allow to add a user without requiring any credentials
- POST /# with a {username, password} will login a user am=nd return an authentication token
- Logged in users will be known by transmitting the token in the 'Authorization' header
- GET /users (requires token in 'Authorization' header) will return a list of all users
- GET /users/admin (requires admin token) will return a list of all admin users
- GET /user/token with header:token will return the token's user details (except password)
- GET /user/*userName* with header:token will return the user's details (except password) if the token belongs to him or
to an admin
- PUT /user/*userName* with {email, password} and header:token will update the specified user details if the token belongs
to him or an admin
- DELETE /user/*userName* with header:token will delete the user if the token belongs to him or to an admin