Author: shimi bar.
Folder contain server based on Koa.js v2.0. System use MongoDb as database service and babel node for compiling ES6 to ES5.
- App.js : Initial server with routes and mongodb connection pool
- mongoDB_dump: dump db collections (tweets, queries).
- test : test application functional behavior.
- db : database data.
- lib : application configuration.
- controllers & models : logic and database query.
- Node.js - Event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on V8.
- Koa.js - fast node.js network app framework
- mongo - noSQL database
- babel - compiler for ES6 syntax
- nodemon - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application
Applicaster requires Node.js v5+ to run.
You need Hombrew installed:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
You need nvm installed:
$ brew update
$ brew install nvm
$ nvm install 5.6.0
$ nvm use 5.6.0
You need Mongodb installed:
$ brew install mongodb --devel
Run MongoDB
$ mongod --dbpath /root/to/applicaster/db
After installing npm dependencies, you should setup tweets and users collections
$ rm -rf root/to/applicaster/db/
$ npm run mongo:dump
Setup Node environment:
$ cd to/applicaster/folder
$ npm install
$ npm run app:server
Test application
$ npm run test