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React CusTable


React CusTable is a versatile and customizable table component for React that supports selectable rows, custom cell rendering, and pagination.


  • Selectable rows with callback functions
  • Customizable components within table cells
  • Built-in pagination support
  • Sorting capabilities with customizable sort functions

When to Use

This component is ideal if you need:

  • A selectable React table
  • Custom components rendered inside table cells
  • Beautiful, built-in pagination for large datasets


To install via NPM, run:

npm install --save react-custable

Usage Example

You'll need to provide two variables: columns and data.

import { Table } from 'react-custable';

// the fieldName should match the keys of your data
const columns = [
  { fieldName: 'name', title: 'Name', width: '180px', sortable: true },
  { fieldName: 'email', title: 'Email', width: '180px', sortable: true },

const data = [
  { id: '1', name: 'name one', email: '' },
  { id: '2', name: 'name two', email: '' },

<div className="App">
  <Table columns={columns} data={data} />

Column Options

Option Type Description
fieldName* string Key corresponding to your data object
title* string The header title for the column
width string(px) Width of the column (default is auto-width)
fixed string ('left' or 'right') Fixed position for the column (works for first or last column only)
sortable boolean Enable sorting for the column (default is false)
sortFunc (a, b) => number Sorting function (return -1 for a < b, 1 for a > b, and 0 for a = b)
render (row: T, index: number) => Cell Function to render a custom component inside the cell

Cell Type

type Cell = {
  value: React.ReactNode,
  props: { [key: string]: string }, // props applied to the <td> element, such as colspan

Table Options

Option Type Description
columns* Column[] Array of columns
data* { id: string, ... }[] Array of row data
selectRowHandler (selectedRowIds: string[]) => void Callback triggered when row selection changes (returns selected row IDs)
selectedRowKeys string[] Default selected row IDs
pagination { currentPage: number; totalCount: number; pageLimit: number; } Pagination options, including current page, total item count, and page limit
pageChangeHandler (pageNumber: number) => void Callback for handling page changes
rowClickHandler (row: Row) => void Callback for handling row clicks
showLoading boolean Displays a spinner overlay when data is loading

Try it in Storybook

You can explore and test this component in Storybook:

  • Visit the online Storybook
  • Or run it locally by cloning the repository and running the following commands:
git clone
cd react-custable
npm install
npm start


We welcome contributions! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.