Gondola is a very simple Django app to present in an elegant grid categories, sections, product ranges... or whatever on a html page, ideally a homepage.
Fully responsive, animation are pure HTML - CSS3.
Add "gondola" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'gondola', ]
Include the gondola URLconf in your project urls.py like this:
url(r'^gondola/', include('gondola.urls', namespace='gondola')),
Run python manage.py migrate to create the gondola models.
Start the development server and visit You should click on 'load demo data' to see how it looks like.
Pay attention that Gondola requires 'django-tables2' to be installed and configured.
In a template load the gondola template tag library then you will be able to use the template tag 'gondola'.
{% load gondola %}
{% gondola %}
To manage gondole, create new row, add new images, visit the
``virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 gondola``
``pip install -r requirements/development.txt``
``./manage.py migrate``
`./manage.py runserver`
If you want to test the app with fake data you can instead see the django-gondola-sandbox instead.