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Blop language syntax reference

Batiste Bieler edited this page Mar 10, 2021 · 23 revisions

Import syntax


import %name% from %file%
import { %name%[ as %rename%]?[, %name%[ as %rename%]?]* } from %file%
import %file% as %name%
import %file%


import Index from './index.blop'
import { createRouter, createRoute as something } from './routing.blop'
import 'webpack-dev-middleware' as middleware
import 'express'

Variables creation and assignment

Variable are simply declared Python style. Variables are hoisted at the top of the current block scope and will all be compiled as let variables.

index = 1
{ x, y, z as depth } = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 100.0 }
depth = index       // reassigning a variable will trigger an error
depth := depth + 1  // to avoid the error use the explicit reassign operator :=

Function syntax


async? def %name%? (%parameters%)[:%annotation%]? { %statements% }
async? (%parameters%)[:%annotation%]? => { %statements% }
async? (%parameters%)[:%annotation%]? => %expression%


def greet(name='John Doe'): string {
  return `Hello `name`` 
async def memePageHandler(params, state) {
  return fetch('')
(a, b): number => a + b
pow = (a) => a * a

Loop syntax

for %value% in %expression%[:%annotation%]? { %statements% }
for %key%, %value% in %expression%[:%annotation%]? { %statements% }
while %expression% { %statements% }


petList = ['cat', 'dog', 'goldfish']

for pet in petList {
// the array annotation indicate that Object.keys doesn't need to be used on petList 
for index, dog in petList: array {
  console.log(dog, index)
while true {
  console.log('infinite loop')

Condition syntax


if %expression% { %statements% }
if %expression% { %statements% } else { %statements% }
if %expression% { %statements% } elseif %expression% { %statements% }
if %expression% { %statements% } elseif %expression% { %statements% } else { %statements% }


def index(state) {
  if == 'dog' {
    <DogPage state=state></DogPage>
  } elseif == 'meme' {
    <MemePage state=state></MemePage>
  } else {
    <span>'No pages'</span>


Strings can be delimited with ", ', or ` and are all functionally equivalent. String concatenation is achieved by simply sticking the string together around an expression.

whitespace = " "
console.log('hello'whitespace`world`) // output hello world

Other structure

Try catch, object literal, array literal, classes, object creation, regular expressions, errors, object destructuring, are all equivalent or similar to ES6

class ExampleClass {
  def constructor(something=false) {
    this.routes = [1, 2, 3]
    this.state = { hello: 1, world: 2 }
  async def dangerous(id) {
    try {
      response = await fetch(`https://heloo`id``), 'cdf')
    } catch e {
      throw new Error('API failure')

Virtual DOM statements



With %attributes% being

%whitespaces% %name%=%expression%
%whitespaces% %name%


Virtual DOM statements need to be declared inside a function. A function with a virtual DOM statement will automatically return a virtual DOM tree when executed. There should only be a single root virtual DOM statement by function that contains all the children. The root virtual node generates a return statement therefor the code that comes after it will never be executed.

def button(label) {
  <div class="col">
    <button class="btn" on={ click: alert("oki") }>label</button>
  // any code after this point will not be executed.

You are allowed to have several virtual DOM root in a function if you use conditionals

def index(state) {
  if == 'dog' {
  } else {

You can output string nodes, or other virtual node by using the assignment syntax =. You can also assign virtual DOM to variables. In this case they are not statements anymore and can be declared outside of a function scope.

cat = <img src="cat.png"/> // this is a virtual DOM expression

def button(name) {
  <button class="btn">
    = cat
    = "Our nice button is named: "
    = name

You can mix any statements of the language inside your virtual nodes (conditional, loops, other functions, other virtual nodes functions)

def button(number) {
  <button class="btn">
    if number > 100 {
      = "Big number "
    } else {
      [1, 2, 3].forEach(
        (index) => <span>'small number'</span>)

Virtual DOM Components

A component is simply a function with a special signature. It will receive all its attributes as a first parameter (object), and all its children as a second parameter (list). For a function to be recognised by blop as a component you need to capitalise its name.

More specific information about Component

def Button(attributes, children) {
  <button class=attributes.class>children</button>

Link = (attributes, children) => <a href=attributes.href>children</a>

def index(state) {
  href = ''
    <Button class='btn'>'Index page'</Button>
    <Link href>''</Link>

You could have used Button as a function and it would completely equivalent

def index(state) {
    = Button({ class: 'btn' }, ['Index page'])

Virtual DOM Event

Events on Virtual DOM can be used by using the on attribute

def ChangeInput(attributes, children) {
  { change, value, label } = attributes
  // virtual nodes can be assigned to variables
  input = <input
    on={ change: (event) => change(event, input.elm) }
    type="text" value />
    = label
    = input

def index(state) {
  label = 'url'
  value = ''
  change = (event, dom) => {
    console.log(, dom.value) // 2 equivalent ways to get the changed value
  <ChangeInput label value change></ChangeInput>

Virtual DOM Hooks

Blop uses the snabbdom hooks that allows you to deal with the lifecycle of your application. Those hooks can be attached to any virtual DOM node. However they cannot be attached to a component as those are just functions. To attache lifecycle elements events to component you should use Component Lifecycle

def FocusedInput(attributes, children) {
  hooks = {
    insert: (vnode) => {
    = children
    = ': '
    <input hooks
      type="text" value=attributes.value />

def InputPage(attributes) {
    <FocusedInput value="something">'Your name'</FocusedInput>