This application is used to perform sentiment analysis using VADER and Supervise Vector Machine (SVM) with SMOTE. The dataset used is derived from a tweet by querying "islamophobia since: 2019-03-15 until: 2019-03-16". The aim is to see a sentiment analysis about Islamophobia based on the attack of the mosque in Christcurch, New Zealand. Below are the steps to run it:
- Download the source or do the command "git clone"
- Run "pip install -r requirements.txt" (Python 2), or "pip3 install -r requirements.txt" (Python 3)
- After that, run "python" (Python 2), or "python3" (Python 3)
If you want to create from your own dataset, you can build it with step in the below:
- Open Sentiment_Analysis.ipynb
- Import your raw data
- Running Preprocessing step 1
- Run to Give a label with VADER
- Run to select only column tweet and label from VADER
- Running Preprocessing step 2 with TF-IDF
- Evaluation and Validation Model
- Export model with best performance result to directory static/data as model.pkl
- Copy dataset with label from VADER to directory static/data as Dataset.csv
- Open application and make sure it's run..
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