This project is designed to be fully functional and optimized for desktop and web browsers.
Please note that this project is not optimized for mobile devices. The user interface and user experience may not be suitable for mobile viewports, and certain features or layouts may not function as intended on smaller screens.
- The layout may be distorted or unusable on mobile devices.
- Certain interactive elements or features might not be accessible or may not work properly on smaller screens.
Weather affects our daily lives in countless ways. Whether you're planning a trip, choosing your outfit for the day, or making decisions that depend on weather conditions, having reliable weather information is essential. This app aims to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date weather data. It's a simple weather application that allows users to search for the weather conditions of a specific city. The application fetches current weather data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays various weather details along with a 7-day forecast.
- Search for a City:
- Enter the name of a city in the search input field.
- Click the search button to fetch and display the weather information for the specified city.
Default City: Upon loading the page, weather data for the predefined city "London" is displayed.
Current Weather: The current weather information includes temperature, weather description, wind speed, humidity, pressure, country, feels-like temperature, sunrise, and sunset times.
7-Day Forecast: The application displays the 7-day weather forecast for the selected city. The temperatures are displayed in Celsius.
Background and Icon: The application changes the background image and weather icon based on the current weather conditions. Weather conditions include clear, rain, cloudy, drizzle, mist, haze, snow, and thunderstorm.
, and JavaScript
are used to create the user interface and handle the logic.
The OpenWeatherMap API
is used to fetch weather data.
Error Handling: If the entered city is not found, an error message is displayed. If the API response is missing latitude or longitude data, an error message is also displayed.
Current Day Display: The application automatically displays the current day's weather and the weather for the next 6 days.
Clone the repository
Navigate to the project directory
Install dependencies
Start the app
git clone cd weather--app npm install npm start
OpenWeatherMap API for providing reliable weather data.