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ntHash is an efficient rolling hash function for k-mers and spaced seeds.


Make sure Meson is installed on the system.

Download the repo (either from the releases section or close using git clone Setup meson in an arbitrary directory (e.g. build), by running the following command in the project's root (include --prefix=PREFIX set the installation prefix to PREFIX):

meson setup --buildtype=release --prefix=PREFIX build

Then, install the project and its dependencies using:

meson install -C build 

This will install include/nthash and lib/libnthash.a to the installation prefix.


To use ntHash in a C++ project:

  • Import ntHash in the code using #include <nthash/nthash.hpp>
  • Access ntHash classes from the nthash namespace
  • Add the include directory (pass -IPREFIX/include to the compiler)
  • Link the code with libnthash.a (i.e. pass -LPREFIX/lib -lnthash to the compiler, where PREFIX is the installation prefix)
  • Compile your code with -std=c++17 (and preferably -O3) enabled

Refer to docs for more information.


Generally, the nthash::NtHash and nthash::SeedNtHash classes are used for hashing sequences:

nthash::NtHash nth("TGACTGATCGAGTCGTACTAG", 1, 5);  // 1 hash per 5-mer
while (nth.roll()) {
    // use nth.hashes() for canonical hashes
    //     nth.get_forward_hash() for forward strand hashes
    //     nth.get_reverse_hash() for reverse strand hashes
std::vector<std::string> seeds = {"10101", "11011"};
nthash::SeedNtHash nth("TGACTGATCGAGTCGTACTAG", seeds, 3, 5);
while (nth.roll()) {
    // nth.hashes()[0] = "T#A#T"'s first hash
    // nth.hashes()[1] = "T#A#T"'s second hash
    // nth.hashes()[2] = "T#A#T"'s third hash
    // nth.hashes()[3] = "TG#CT"'s first hash

For developers

If you would like to contribute to the development of ntHash, after forking/cloning the repo, create the build directory without the release flag:

meson setup build

Compile the code, tests, and benchmarking script using:

meson compile -C build

If compilation is successful, libnthash.a will be available in the build folder. The benchmarking script is also compiled as the bench binary file in build.

Before sending a PR, make sure that:

  • tests pass by running meson test in the project directory
  • code is formatted properly by running ninja clang-format in the build folder (requires clang-format to be available)
  • coding standards have been met by making sure running ninja clang-tidy-check in build returns no errors (requires clang-tools to be installed)
  • documentation is up-to-date by running ninja docs in build (requires doxygen)


Parham Kazemi, Johnathan Wong, Vladimir Nikolić, Hamid Mohamadi, René L Warren, Inanç Birol, ntHash2: recursive spaced seed hashing for nucleotide sequences, Bioinformatics, 2022;, btac564,

Hamid Mohamadi, Justin Chu, Benjamin P Vandervalk, and Inanc Birol. ntHash: recursive nucleotide hashing. Bioinformatics (2016) 32 (22): 3492-3494. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btw397