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BME 590L Final Project: Parallelization of HIFI-MRF

Author: Brian Chan


This project parallelizes the HIFI-MRF pipeline described in Cameron, Dostie, and Blanchette, Genome Biology, 2020. The GitHub repository for the original HIFI package can be found at Paralllelization was achieved using MPI. Here, we describe the contents of this repository as well as how to run the parallelized version of HIFI-MRF.

This project was for the "Computational Foundations of Biomedical Simulations" class at Duke University taught by Dr. Amanda Randles.

Make sure that within your current working directory you have the following files and directories in addition to this

  • Makefile
  • src
  • Data
  • Analysis

Within src there should be the following files:

  • callPeaks.cpp
  • HIFI.cpp
  • HIFI_serial.cpp
  • HIFI_misc.h
  • HIFI_MyMatrix.h
  • HIFI_options.h
  • HIFI_options.cpp
  • HIFI_Advanced.cpp

You will not used any of the Python scripts or callPeaks.cpp, but they are part of the original pipeline and can be used for pre-/post-processing. See original documentation for details.

HIFI_serial.cpp is the serial code. It has some comments in it from the original source, but many comments are added by yours truly to help guide the user.
HIFI.cpp is the parallelized code with comments.
HIFI_Advanced.cpp further optimizes and parallelizes HIFI-MRF. HIFI_misc.h, HIFI_MyMatrix.h, HIFI_options.h, and HIFI_options.cpp define class templates and HIFI parameters used during runtime.

Within Data there should be the following files:

  • HindIII.hg19.chr9_chr9.RF.tsv
  • MboI.hg38.chr4_chr4.RF.Truncate_1000.tsv
  • MboI.hg38.chr4_chr4.RF.Truncate_2000.tsv
  • MboI.hg38.NEWBAM.chr4_chr4.RF.Truncate_4000.tsv
  • MboI.hg38.NEWBAM.chr4_chr4.RF.Truncate_8000.tsv
  • MboI.hg38.chr4_chr4.RF.Truncate_16000.tsv

HindIII.hg19.chr9_chr9.RF.tsv was used for strong scaling analysis. The MboI... files were used for weak scaling analysis The MboI... files have restriction fragment read count matrices for either 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, or 16000 restriction fragments. The HindIII data is the supplied example from the original GitHub repository (see above). The MboI... files are processed from the BAM file found in the 4DNucleome project (

Note that the files in this directory are already pre-processed from BAM files using the script in the src directory on the Duke Compute CLuster. With reference to the original HIFI package documentation, this project starts optimization from step 2 in the Quick Start section of the original

Within Analysis there should be the following files:

  • CompSCC.m
  • PlotHeatMap.m
  • plotIFTriangles.m
  • CompareIFs.m

CompSCC.m calculates the stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient between two interaction frequency (IF) matrices (see Yang, et al, Genome Research, 2017).
PlotHeatMap.m visualizes IF matrices as heat maps.
plotIFTriangles.m simultaneously plots two IF matrix heat maps: one in the upper triangular portion of the plot and the second in the lower triangular portion.
CompareIFs.m uses the three previous files to run a full comparison between two IF matrices.

To use, enter the Analysis directory, load MATLAB and run:


where <SERIAL_IF_TSV> is the path and filename of the IF matrix .tsv file from the serial HIFI-MRF output, <PARALLEL_IF_TSV> is the path and filename of the IF matrix .tsv file from the pHIFI-MRF output, and <OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIXES> is the desired prefix to name the output files. All three arguments must be strings. The function will plot a heat map where the upper triangular portion is the parallel IF matrix and the lower triangular portion is the serial IF matrix. This will be saved in the file <OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIXES>.pdf. Another output file called <OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIXES>.txt will contain the SSE, SCC, and correlation per stratum (diagonal) for the two IF matrices. See comments within CompareIFs.m for returning function values in a MATLAB session.

Compile and run

Compilation uses the g++ and mpicc. To compile the original serial HIFI code:

make HIFIserial

To run the original serial HIFI code:

src/HIFIserial <PATH/TO/INPUT> <OUTPUTNAME>.tsv -method=mrf

To compile the parallel version (pHIFI-MRF) used for the majority of the project:

make HIFI

To run:

ibrun -np <NUMTASKS> src/HIFI <PATH/TO/INPUT> <OUTPUTNAME>.tsv -method=mrf
mpirun -np <NUMTASKS> src/HIFI <PATH/TO/INPUT> <OUTPUTNAME>.tsv -method=mrf

To compile the advanced parallel version (advanced pHIFI-MRF) used for preliminary testing of continued optimizations:

make HIFIAdvanced

To run:

ibrun -np <NUMTASKS> src/HIFIAdvanced <PATH/TO/INPUT> <OUTPUTNAME>.tsv -method=mrf
mpirun -np <NUMTASKS> src/HIFIAdvanced <PATH/TO/INPUT> <OUTPUTNAME>.tsv -method=mrf

For the parallel versions, <NUMTASKS> is the number of MPI tasks you want to use. For all versions, <PATH/TO/INPUT> is the path and filename of your desired input file, for example Data/HindIII.hg19.chr9_chr9.RF.tsv. For all versions, <OUTPUTNAME>.tsv will be the name of the .tsv file containing the optimized interaction frequency matrix. The parallel versions will also create a file called TimeFile_<NUMTASKS>.txt with the runtimes for the adaptive kernel density estimation algorithm, the full setup of the code before the Markiv random field component, the Markov random field component, and the entire code. The program will also print periodic status updates to standard error. Note that the parallel code can also be run with a single task without issue.


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