A simple Zig library for reading and writing S-Expressions.
Ideal for human-readable configuration or data files containing lots of compound structures.
Parsing and writing is always done interactively with the user program; there is no intermediate "document" representation.
const std = @import("std");
const sx = @import("sx");
var source =
\\(box my-box
\\ (dimensions 4.3 7 14)
\\ (color red)
\\ (contents
\\ 42
\\ "Big Phil's To Do List:
\\ - paint it black
\\ - clean up around the house
var stream = std.io.fixedBufferStream(source);
var reader = sx.reader(std.testing.allocator, stream.reader());
defer reader.deinit();
try reader.require_expression("box");
_ = try reader.require_any_string();
var color: []const u8 = "";
var width: f32 = 0;
var depth: f32 = 0;
var height: f32 = 0;
while (try reader.any_expression()) |expr| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, expr, "dimensions")) {
width = try reader.require_any_float(f32);
depth = try reader.require_any_float(f32);
height = try reader.require_any_float(f32);
try reader.require_close();
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, expr, "color")) {
color = try std.testing.allocator.dupe(u8, try reader.require_any_string());
try reader.require_close();
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, expr, "contents")) {
while (try reader.any_string()) |contents| {
std.debug.print("Phil's box contains: {s}\n", .{ contents });
try reader.require_close();
} else {
try reader.ignore_remaining_expression();
try reader.require_close();
try reader.require_done();
const std = @import("std");
const sx = @import("sx");
var writer = sx.writer(std.testing.allocator, std.io.getStdOut().writer());
defer writer.deinit();
try writer.expression("box");
try writer.string("my-box");
try writer.expression("dimensions");
try writer.float(4.3);
try writer.float(7);
try writer.float(14);
_ = try writer.close();
try writer.expression("color");
try writer.string("red");
_ = try writer.close();
try writer.expression_expanded("contents");
try writer.int(42, 10);
try writer.string(
\\Big Phil's To Do List:
\\ - paint it black
\\ - clean up around the house
try writer.done();
This library is designed to be used with the Zig package manager. To use it, add a build.zig.zon
file next to your build.zig
.name = "Your Project Name",
.version = "0.0.0",
.dependencies = .{
.@"Zig-SX" = .{
.url = "https://github.com/bcrist/Zig-SX/archive/xxxxxx.tar.gz",
Replace xxxxxx
with the full commit hash for the version of the library you want to use. The first time you run zig build
after adding this, it will tell you a hash to put after .url = ...
. This helps zig ensure that the file wasn't corrupted during download, and that the URL hasn't been hijacked.
Then in your build.zig
file you can get a reference to the package:
const zig_sx = b.dependency("Zig-SX", .{});
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{
.name = "my_exe_name",
.root_source_file = .{ .path = "my_main_file.zig" },
.target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}),
.optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}),
exe.addModule("sx", zig_sx.module("sx"));