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Custom Zend Framework 2 Module that contains helper libraries

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A Zend Framework 2 module that pre-configures your Zend Framework 2 project with the following:

  • Authentication:
    • ZfcUser (ZfcUserDoctrineOrm)
  • Database:
    • Doctrine ORM
  • Frontend:
    • Bower compilation with:
      • jQuery
      • Twitter Bootstrap
      • Font Awesome
    • Assetic
    • (Optional) Typekit
  • Logging:
    • Monolog
  • Zend Framework extensions:
    • Mvc\Controller
    • Form
    • Navigation
    • View
  • Various other integrations:
    • ElFinder
    • GetResponse360
    • Google
    • Lavacharts
    • Mashape
    • Maxmind / GeoIP2
    • PhantomJs
    • SalesForce


A set of pre-configured libraries, modules, resources, view helpers, etc. that can be used to quickly bootstrap your Zend Framework 2 project. This will be useful for anyone who wants to build a full-stack application using Zend Framework2 + DoctrineOrm + Twitter Bootstrap + jQuery. You may also find this project useful as a reference if you are trying to integrate any of the above libraries into your own Zend Framework 2 project.

Getting Started

View on Packagist

To get started, add the following to the require section in your composer.json then update composer.

"bdelamatre/delamatre-zend": "dev-master",

And the following scripts section to your composer.json

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": "DelamatreZend\\Builder\\Builder::postInstall",
    "post-update-cmd": "DelamatreZend\\Builder\\Builder::postUpdate"

You will then need to add the following modules to your ZF2 application.config.php file.

	'EdpModuleLayouts', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'TwbBundle', 		#required by DelamatreZend
	'DoctrineModule', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'DoctrineORMModule', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'ZfcBase', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'ZfcUser', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'ZfcUserDoctrineORM', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'AsseticBundle', 	#required by DelamatreZend
	'DelamatreZend',	#DelamatreZend

Project Structure

The following project structure is assumed for your Zend Framework 2 project and mimics the ZF2 Skeleton Application directory structure. You can modify this as needed.

  • config/ - contains application.config.php
  • config/autoload/ - contains config files following the .local.php and .global.php standard.
  • config/autoload/dist/ - contains a copy all config distrubtion files that you can include and configure.
  • data/cache/ - location for various file system caches
  • data/DoctrineORMModule/ - location for entity proxies and other Doctrine cache objects
  • data/log/ - location for application logs
  • data/log/screenshots/ - cached images of screenshots (PhantomJS)
  • module/ - zend framework 2 modules
  • public/ - public files
  • public/assets/ - location for all front-end libraries and assetic compilation files.
  • vendor/ - composer libraries

Configuration Files

One of the primary goals of this project is to manage configuration files across a multitude of similiar projects. As such, there are many different configuration files available and traits that allow for interaction with the classes that they configure. There is no need to copy or modify the default configuration files.

Bundled configuration files

  • assetic.*.php - Configures Assetic
  • doctrine.*.php - Configures Doctrine ORM
  • ext.filemanager.*.php - Configures elFinder Filemanager integration
  • ext.getresponse.*.php - Configures GetResponse360 integration
  •*.php - Configues Google integration
  • ext.mashape.*.php -- Configures Mashape integration
  • ext.maxmind.*.php -- Configures Maxmind (Geoip2) integration
  • ext.phantomjs.*.php -- Configures PhantomJS integration
  • ext.salesforce.*.php -- Configures SalesForce integration
  • ext.typekit.*.php -- Configures Typekit integration
  • myapp.*.php -- Configures information about the application
  • navigation.*.php -- Configures the navigation menu
  • session.*.php -- Configures PHP sessions
  • user.*.php -- Configures authentication / ZfCUser

Configuration extensions

  • .global.php - a global configuration file
  • .local.php - a local configuration file, overrides *.global.php files.
  • .dist - a distribution copy of a configuration file.

Default configuration files

To bootstrap your project, all configurations have a default configuration that is included in this module under config/. By default, all ext.*.php config files are disabled and the rest of the configurations work out of box with the default project structure.

Distribution configuration files

For each default configuration file there is a correspondering .global.php*.dist** and/or .local.php*.dist** file under config/autoload/dist/. The builder will copy all of these distribution files into your project under config/autoload/dist/. These distribution files contain the values that you will likely want to modify for your project. To use them, just copy/paste the distribution file into config/autoload/, remove the .dist extension and modify as needed.

Note: The required .local.php configuration files (such as database.local.php) will have already been copied into /config/autoload/ for you by the Builder.


The myapp configuration file is different from the other configuration files in that it doesn't configure any specific PHP classes/libraries. Instead, the values here are used to describe general , environmental and other application-specific settings. You should configure with your general app settings and myapp.local.php with your development environment settings.

Sample myapp.development.local.php configuration for a development environment:

return array(
    'myapp' => array(
        'environment' => array(
            'notes' => 'to change to production, set [myapp][environment][type] to ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_PRODUCTION',
            'display_errors' => true,
            'display_exceptions' => true,
        'baseurl' => 'http://localhost',



ZfcUser (ZfcUserDoctrineOrm)

Integration using zf-commons/zfc-user and zf-commons/zfc-user-doctrine-orm. On composer install/update the autoloader config distribution file will be copied to config/autoload/dist/user.local.php.dist. No modifications are required out of box but you can move this to config/autoload/user.local.php and modify if needed.

A default user entity and organization entity have been created and associated as the default entities in the user config. Additional configurations include the creation of a default user if no users exist in the database.

Default username/password is root/root1234.

To override the default user/organization entites just extend the existing entities and update the user_entity_class and organization_entity_class user config options.

modify these lines in

 * User Model Entity Class
 * Name of Entity class to use. Useful for using your own entity class
 * instead of the default one provided. Default is ZfcUser\Entity\User.
 * The entity class should implement ZfcUser\Entity\UserInterface
'user_entity_class' => '$yourEntityName',

 * Organization Model Entity Class
'organization_entity_class' => $yourEntityName',

Built-in controller actions

Same as all of the built-in ZfCUser actions. You can login at /user/# and logout at /user/logout. Take a look at ZfcUser for other actions and helpers.

Requiring authentication

You can use the built-in ZfcUser methods and add requirements to your Module.php for requiring authentication to large chunks of your application. You can also require authentication for any controller action using this simple method:

//require authentication

optionally pass in an array of required groups

//require authentication
$this->requireAuthentication(array('admin')); //must be an admin

Controller Helpers

When extending AbstractActionController.php or applying the User trait, the following helper methods will be available in your controller:

  • getUserClass() - The user class defined in user_entity_class
  • getOrganizationClass() - The organization class defined in organization_entity_class
  • getZfcUserAuthentication() - The zfcUserAuthentication plugin
  • getUserCount() - Number of users in the database
  • getUserService() - Get zfcuser_user_service from the service manager
  • createDefaultUser($userConfig) - Creates the default user defined in the user config
  • requireAuthentication($allowedGroups) - Requires authentication for the specified groups. If not logged in, redirects to login. Otherwise throws an exception.


A simple PHP class that contains static functions for use as composer hooks, no command line required. If you haven't already configured your composer.json to use the builder, add the following to your composer.json

"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": "DelamatreZend\\Builder\\Builder::postInstall",
    "post-update-cmd": "DelamatreZend\\Builder\\Builder::postUpdate"

The builder does the following out of box

  • Setup required project directories and permissions
  • Copy config distribution files to config/autoload/dist/ and required local files config/autoload/
  • Copy public assets to public/assets/

You don't have to do anything to use the builder other than add the hooks to your composer.json.


Doctrine ORM

Integration using doctrine/doctrine-module and doctrine/doctrine-orm-module. On composer install/update the autoloader config distribution file will be copied to config/autoload/dist/doctrine.local.php.dist and (if it doesn't exist) also /config/autoload/database.local.php. Insert your database connection information here.

The trait DelamatreZend\Mvc\Controller\DoctrineIntegration is applied to DelamatreZend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController. This trait allows for the following functions to be easily called within your controllers:

  • getEntityManager() - Get the default entity manager
  • createQueryBuilder() - Create a query builder instance
  • quoteSQL() - Quote an object for the configured database

A default AbstractEntity provides additional functionality to any entity that inherits it. These include: magic setters/getters, entity to array and array to entity functions, etc.

Defining where entities are located

I recommend embedding Entities inside of your modules (i.e. module/Application) so that your modules are self-sufficient. To tell Doctrine ORM that your entities are located in a module, you will need to modify the doctrine configuration to include the path to where your entities are stored. Again, to keep your modules self-sufficient, I recommend adding this to your module.config.php in your module.

Add the following to module.config.php

//doctrine settings
'doctrine' => array(
	//Doctrine Entity settings
	'driver' => array(
		// defines an annotation driver with two paths, and names it `my_annotation_driver`
		'default_driver' => array(
			'paths' => array(
				__DIR__ . '/../src/$moduleName/Entity',
		// default metadata driver, aggregates all other drivers into a single one.
		// Override `orm_default` only if you know what you're doing
		'orm_default' => array(
			'drivers' => array(
				// register `my_annotation_driver` for any entity under namespace `My\Namespace`
				'$moduleName\Entity' => 'default_driver',


doctrine.local.php is one of the most important configuration files as it contains your local database connection information. There is no reason to configure unless you need to add multiple database connections or modify entity locations.


Bower Compilation

bower.json defines the needed libraries for a jquery/bootstrap/font awesome project. These assets are already included under src/bower_components but you can run bower and refetch if needed.


Integration using widmogrod/zf2-assetic-module. On composer install/update the autoloader config distribution file will be copied to config/autoload/dist/ and config/autoload/dist/assetic.local.php.dist. If it doesn't exist, config/autoload/assetic.local.php will be setup as wel. To make changes to the global Assetic config, rename the file to and modify as needed.

By default all public assets are assumed to belong under public/assets/ and assetic uses the included bower resources to autocreate a base_css.css and base_js.js file in this directory. These base files include compiled and minified code for jquery, bootstrap and font-awesome.

fix-me: You will need to copy the contents of bower_components to public/assets/ so that the image resources are available to bootstrap and font-awesome.

Assetic is configured to automatically add its assets to the ZF2 style and script objects. All you need to do to output assetic files is to use the headStyle() and headScript() view helpers. Refer to layout/layout.phtml for a working example.


Assetic is configured and ready to use out of box. However, when modifying source code that is compiled with assetic (i.e. in development) you will want to enable the buildOnRequest option to autocompile your base files. You can use the assetic.local.php.dist file to do this.

Views / Templates

  • view/error/404.phtml - a default 404 error page.
  • view/error/index.phtml - a simple default error page.
  • view/layout/ajax.phtml - an alternative layout for AJAX rednering strategies.
  • view/layout/layout.phtml - a simple default layout.
  • view/layout/components/* - various components that can be used as partials.
  • view/layout/navigation/menu.phtml - a mega menu renderer for ZF2 navigation.
  • view/zfc-user/user/*.phtml - overrides of the default view templates from zfcuser

Zend Framework Extensions


Various custom form elements.


An extensible AbstractActionController that provides additional controller helpers and integrations:

  • Doctrine Integration
  • elFinder Filemanager Integration
  • GetResponse360 Integration
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Lavacharts Integration
  • Maxmind Geoip2 Integration
  • Salesforce Integration
  • Authentication Integration

Just extend controllers with DelamatreZend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController or apply any of the available traits as needed.


On composer install/update the autoloader config distribution file will be copied to config/autoload/ Rename this to and modify as needed.

This extensions allows for dynamically generated navigation menus using Doctrine Entities. The additional options have been added to the navigation options:

  • entity - The doctrine entity to use
  • entity_route - The ZF2 route to assembly links built from entities. This does not have to be the same as the normal route.
  • depth - How deep recursion should go when building out this menu item.
  • col - If using mega menus (yamm) this is how many columns will be output.


As with any developer's library, there are an array of custom view helpers that have been added.


Custom Zend Framework 2 Module that contains helper libraries






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