FileDustman helps you search the disk to find the important files scatting in folders or
move these to the OneDrive Folder
- Scan the computer to find the files when you exchange your computer or leave a job.
- Helps you move the files to the OneDrive(SkyDrive)
- Find the files you just forget where they are put.
How to use:
1. Choose the driver you want to search
2. Click on the "Search Files" Buttons
3. Use the Filters to choose which kind of files you want
4. Double Click on the file to preview it.
5. Click on the "Move to" to move the file to the OneDrive
This is my first PySide Project.
FileFilter is written in Python and Pyside running on Windows.
Instead of using MVC pattern, I choose MTV(Model, Template and View).
1. When Model execs a longrun process, how to combine it with Thread better?
1. Adds more filters
2. Imporve central area, Now is ListWidget
3. Adds "move to dropbox"
4. Idenify the same file located in diff folders
5. Adds Tests
6. Try to use Model/View provided by QT self