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This table contains primarily HTML5 based game engines and frameworks. You might also want to check out the Feature Matrix, Game Resources and Scene Graphs.

Name Size (KB) License Type Unit Tests Docs Repository Notes
Ct.js 238000 kb MIT 2D no API Github Ct.js is a full-blown 2D game engine that allows you to easily create games based on the PIXI.js framework.
FlevaR 500KB ISC 2D no Wiki Github FlevaR is a declarative JavaScript game engine for creating browser games and applications.
WhitestormJS Original: 290+ Kb (.min.js): ~150Kb CC 3D yes Wiki GitHub/ npm/ bower Features: WhitestormJS is a 3D engine based on THREE.JS which includes built-in physics, terrain generation, and useful API for developers.
Quick 19KB MIT 2D yes Wiki GitHub Features: Quick provides a multi-platform, lightweight, easy-to-use framework for 2D game development, focused in performance, fast development and maintainability.
WiMi5 Cloud based Free version 2D no Tutorials Features: WiMi5 is a cloud based platform to create, publish and monetize HTML5 casual games. It allows you to create HTML5 games visually with no programming or coding required. You can manage all the actions and behaviors of your game assets by simply dragging and dropping visual scripts.
canvace.js 40 MIT 2D, 2.5D no API GitHub Features: generic 3x3 projection matrices, asset loading, scene graph, render loop, physics, sound, animations, SVG support, mobile detection, debug facilities. Also provides a visual environment to create game assets.
Collie.js 20 LGPL v2.1 2D no API Collie is a Javascript library that helps to create highly optimized animations and games using HTML 5. Collie runs on both PC and mobile using HTML 5 canvas and CSS 3D.
cgSceneGraph 70 MIT 2D, SceneGraph, cross platform no API github OOP, Cross-platform, designed for easy making games and pro applications as well. Provides a powerfull animation engine and is very extensible
chem 40 MIT 2D, canvas no Tutorial, API github Optimized for rapid development.
Akihabara 453 GPL2, MIT Classic Repro no API github Intended for making classic arcade-style games in JS+HTML5
Irenic 20 or 8, platform dependent MIT 2D no Wiki GitHub General purpose Javascript engine both for the server side (Node.js) and the client side (HTML5).
AllBinary Platform Platform Dependent AllBinary 2D, 2.5D, 3D no API github J2ME, Android, J2SE, HTML5, and more in 2013 (Adobe/Flash and Native)
bdge github Badly Design Game Engine, an HTML5 Javascript game engine Demo.
Canvex FPS An experimental browser-based FPS game engine in the HTML tag. Created in 2006
ChesterGL MIT 2D (WebGL / Canvas), iso, ortho tests github ChesterGL is a simple scene-based 2d rendering engine, with full support for WebGL and a simple (automatic) fallback to canvas when there's no WebGL support. Support time-based actions and animations as well as TMX files and spritesheets.
ClanFX GPL Tile based clanfx is a 2D, tile-based Javascript game engine developed using Javascript and CSS. It currently works in Firefox, Epiphany and Opera browsers. Features include many animated sprites, spell effects, buildings, tiles/textures and basic game AI. API The API provides high level game features like data storage, leaderboards, achievements, payment processing, social integration, and a few others.
Cocos2d-javascript MIT 2D API github Cocos2d-javascript is a 2D game/graphics engine based on cocos2d-iphone but designed to run in the web browser. It uses the latest features available in HTML 5 allowing real-time rendering of 2D graphics without the need for plug-ins such as Adobe Flash
Cocos2d-html5 130KB MIT 2D, Canvas, WebGL, iOS, Android API github Cocos2d-html5 is a cross-platform 2D game engine written in Javascript, based on Cocos2d-X. It currently supports canvas and WebGL rendering. Cocos2d-html5 incorporates the same high level api as “Cocos2d JS-binding engine” and compatible with Cocos2d-X and Cocos2d-iPhone, games wrote in Cocos2d-html5 could be published to iOS app or android apk without code modification or little code modification in hybrid mode.
cssgameengine Javascript Game Engine with CSS. Aimed for beginners
Darling.js 25kb BSD 2D,2.5D,3D,any yes API,Demos github Entity-Component-System based javascript game engine with dependency injections and modules. Create games flexible.
enchant.js GPL, MIT
EntityJS 27kb MIT 2D yes API github Flexible javascript game engine utlizing entity-component design. Supports sprites, animation, collision, keyboard, mouse, math and more.
Flambe MIT 2D yes github Written in Haxe. Great tools support and browser compatibility. Renderers for canvas, WebGL and Flash.
Flax Apache 2.0 Not released yet. Uses GWT and HTML5. Focus on web-based gaming for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. About
friGame Modular 20-40K MIT 2D, Isometric (plugin), Desktop, Mobile no API. Docs BitBucket A JavaScript game development library aiming for compatibility with every desktop browser and mobile device while being fast and modular
FrozenJS Modular 20-80K MIT 2D,3D yes API GitHub A modular HTML5 game engine that supports AMD. Features box2d support along with an editor and grunt and volo tooling
Game Closure GPL3, GCFL 2D, Canvas, DOM, iOS, Android, Web Docs GitHub Native wrappers, debug tools, proprietary syntax for compiling JS. Modules for events, views, UI, images, text/fonts, animation, sound, buffers, tiles.
GameJs 20-80KB MIT 2D yes API. Tutorial github similar to PyGame (easy) for Canvas only. CommonJs modules.
gameQuery MIT API. Docs github gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript game development easier by adding some simple game-related classes. It's still in an early stage of development and may change a lot in future versions.
GammaJS MIT 2.5D Platform Tests API. Tutorials. Topics github Gamma is a new Javascript library which can be used to create 2.5D platform games for a web browser using the power of HTML, JavaScript, CSS and WebGL.
Gamvas Web 40KB MIT 2D No Docs API google code Javascript / HTML5 Game Framework with Box2D physics integration. Demos
GDevelop MIT 2D Yes Docs GitHub GDevelop is a full-featured, open-source and cross-platform game engine for building 2D games. It can be used by everyone, non-developers included, to create games thanks to an intuitive event system.
Gladius MIT 3D yes github Modular 3D engine, w/ entity/component system, event system, extension framework
gTile Tile based
The GMP Javascript Game Engine GPL2, MIT API. Manual Emphasis on speed and simplicity, "easy to learn and use"
Hydrax MIT github Haxe port of the PushButton Engine, works with js (css and canvas), flash, and soon C++.
iio Engine BSD2 2D github The iio Engine is canvas based, open source, light-weight and built for speed.
lychee.js > 2GB MIT 2D, 2.5D, 3D (Entity-based or Scene-Graph Engine) API and Docs github website Next-Gen Isomorphic Application Engine. Uses AI and ML techniques to speed up testing, integration, debugging, bugfixing and generation of code.
j5g3 24KB GPLv3 2D yes API github Still Beta. Basic functionality. Demos added.
The Javascript 2D Game Engine GPL Emphasis on gravity/physics/collision detection; uses HTML5 Canvas and ExplorerCanvas for IE support. Focus on limiting CPU usage.
Jaws 33KB (minified), 86KB (full) LGPL 2D Test Suite yes github Jaws is a HTML5 2D game development library written in javascript. Sprite, viewport, gameLoop, input handling etc. The core to create a 2D game. Comes with examples.
Jest 30KB (minified), 58KB (full) MIT 2D not yet Demos github Jest provides a way to rapidly create JavaScript (HTML5) games using the canvas element. Includes a few samples currently with more on the way.
jGen Isometric wiki google code An attempt to recreate "old school" isometric techniques in the modern web browsers without using a canvas, with only JavaScript and HTML. Map editor online demo
Jomoho JS MIT 2D github Framework for quick game sketching. features: preloading, animations, sound, input, tile Engine, fullscreen, requirejs asynchronous modules
jsGameSoup LGPLv3 2D API bazaar / google code Cross browser event handling. Game entity management. Rudimentary polygon, box, circle collision detection. Sprite management. Fast, deterministic random number generator. Networking (ajax) abstraction layer. Basic cookie management. Auto-init to launch code attached to a specific HTML canvas.
js-verge MIT 2D github A javascript game engine largely based on (and importing file assets from) the VERGE game engine. Demo
kiwi.js GPL 2D/webGL Docs github A fun Open Source mobile ready HTML5 and WebGL game engine that is friendly with CocoonJS and much more.
LimeJS Apache License API github Special attention to touchscreen devices. HTML5 game framework for fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and desktop browsers.
MelonJS 78Kb minified MIT 2D, 2.5D API Tutorial github Can use Tiled Map Editor, the engine is declared "lightweight"
Monwarp github Simple game engine based on using dojo toolkit with box2dweb integration.
Multi 3D WebGL, OpenGL and Direct3D. Editor supports creation of games and levels in realtime by drag and dropping in new models, textures and javascript.
Panda.js MIT 2D No [Docs] ( GitHub Free open source HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop with Canvas and WebGL rendering.
Phaser MIT 2D No Docs GitHub A popular, polished, free HTML5 game framework.
pixi.js MIT 2D No Docs github Super fast HTML 5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback.
PixieEngine MIT Yes Docs Tutorials PixieDust IDE Hosted IDE with easy import and export. CoffeeScript support.
Platypus 2D Tile Game Engine ~100K minified after build BSD 2D Tile Game Engine No Docs Examples Wild Kratts Monkey Mayhem Github Uses Tiled level editor. Ready to import assets and start making levels. Robust component library with functionality like enemies, tele porter, collection, etc included and ready to use. Just edit config.JSON, put in sounds and art, then build levels in Tiled!
Playcraft Engine 402 Commercial/Free Indie iOS, Android, Web - 2D, 2.5D, Tile Yes Guides, Tutorials, API Private Professional HTML5 game engine featuring: multiplayer, tiling, physics, sprites/animation, sound, input handling, entity systems, native acceleration wrapper (allows HTML5 games to be run as native apps with performance acceleration), scenes and layers and AI.
Play My Code Free to use No Docs Hosted IDE with asset management and image editing. Uses own language that compiles to JavaScript/HTML5.
PlayN Apache 2.0 yes Docs Google Code HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, plus Flash, Android and JVM backends
PropulsionJS 19.6KB MIT API github Uses HTML5 Canvas element
Pulse 84KB MIT 2D some API github Focuses on high performance 2D games using HTML5 canvas.
pp3Diso 44KB CC BY-SA 3.0 2D Isometric no Docs GitHub To display and manage an 2D isometric map. JavaScript and HTML. Compatible IE6+, Firefox, Safari, iOS, Android, Chrome, ...
QuarkJS MIT 2D Successor of CasualJS.
Quintus 20kb MIT+GPL 2D yes Guides, examples github Easy to learn and fun to use.
Red Locomotive 2D, 2.5D
The Render Engine MIT 2D API. Tutorials github Object oriented. Cross-browser. Extensive API. Open-source. Supports canvas and DOM rendering. Support for Touch Input. Box2DJS Physics Engine Features
Rosewood 2D github Rosewood is a JavaScript library/engine for creating 2d browser-based games that are somewhat in the spirit of old 16-bit games.
RPG JS interpreter GPL 2D Adventure google code Focuses on making classic Sierra style adventure games.
SmoothStep2D MIT 2D WebGL and Context2D github Complete and easy to use Object Oriented Javascript 2D Game Framework with support for bitmap fonts, particle systems, texture altas, 2d skeletal animation, spritesheet animation, low level audio playback, smart resource loader, vector math, easy collision detection, box2d physics, and realtime multipalyer games with node.js.
Sprite.js 23K BSD 2D HTML5 Game framework API github
Steppe 2.5D Raycast landscape renderer, not full engine (yet). 2D canvas, no WebGL! Includes a PHP port for server-side rendering where the HTML5 canvas element isn't supported.
Traffic Cone MIT 2D-2.5D github Traffic Cone is a 2D and isometric tile based game engine written for html5. It makes complex animations of sprites and tiles based worlds fairly simple.
Tom's Halls Platform
Turbulenz MIT 2D & 3D Docs github, Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers and mobile devices. Game engine and server-side APIs are available in JavaScript and TypeScript. For more information see the demos and detailed features
TuteiJS MIT 2D github
vegalib LPGL google code A library and other related tools for creating games using Vexi
WebSonic BSD 3D Docs github WebSonic is a Sonic engine showcased on Sonic Retro in 2010
joy.js 36kb (minified) MIT 2D some API github HTML5 Game Engine designed to be simple to use 7kb (minified) MIT API github Ukkio provides SDK to help developers to monetize their HTML5 games


Name Size (KB) License Type Unit Tests Docs Repository Notes
atom 2.8 BSD 2D, minimal github A tiny game library intended to get out of the way and let you write your game.
Crafty 8.7KB GPL, MIT API github A lightweight, modular JavaScript game engine to easily produce high quality games. Includes a large variety of components such as animation, event management, redraw regions, collision detection, sprites and more
Mibbu 4.35KB (gzip 1.81KB) MIT micro-framework for fast prototyping Mibbu page github blog post
Squarepig 8K zlib 2D no github A simple framework for learning and jamming.
gamecore.js Apache 2.0 github gamecore.js is a framework to help build high-performance (and large) games.
Playcraft Engine Commercial/Free Indie iOS,Android,Web - 2D,2.5D,Tile Yes Guides, Tutorials, API Private Professional HTML5 game engine featuring: multiplayer, tiling, physics, sprites/animation, sound, input handling, entity systems, native acceleration wrapper (allows HTML5 games to be run as native apps with performance acceleration), scenes and layers and AI.
Orbiting Eden 1.71KB Three.js 3D orbital inline and wiki github This library extends Three.js for scientifically accurate orbital movement. Linear calculations with n gravity wells and the ability orbit from one body to another. (i.e. earth - moon missions or a very complex Angry Birds in Space)
Coquette MIT 2D github A micro framework for JavaScript games.
simpleGame GPL Web, iOS, Android github simpleGame is a very basic JS game library loosely based on Python gameEngine and Scratch
Pentagine 12.2k MIT 2D github Pentagine is a lightweight Javascript library for HTML5 2D Game Development that renders to . For now, it consists of a State Machine, a Sprite class to load and draw images and some keyboard input functions. Soon, I expect it to have much more.


Name Size (KB) # Type Docs Notes
2DKit Commercial + Free Version 2D Written in Haxe. Great tools support and browser compatibility. Exports to HTML5, Flash, and native apps.
BXG 150 2D, Isometric, Orthogonal, Hexagonal
Construct 2 Early adopter, $32 or $169 + Free Version 2D Construct 2 is a visual HTML5 game development tool for Windows. Aimed for both beginners and advanced users.
GameMaker: Studio Commercial ($49.99-$499.99) + Free Version 2D GameMaker: Studio is a popular game development tool that exports various formats for multiple platforms.
Geom $69 2D Docs Javascript / HTML5 Game and Content Engine with Pro Editor.
Impact $99 2D Docs. API Javascript / HTML5 Game Engine with world editor. Video tutorial
Isogenic Engine Commercial + Free Version Isometric & 2D Docs & API HTML5 Isometric & 2D Game Engine. Emphasis on real-time persistent worlds, MMO games & plugin architecture, micro-transactions, cloud-based hosting. Realtime networking. Support for canvas and HTML-based output, Node.js + MongoDB. Physics support using Box2D.
Monkey Commercial $99 + Free Version 2D Demo, Apps Monkey is a next-generation games programming language that allows you to create apps on multiple platforms with the greatest of ease. Monkey works by translating Monkey code to one of a different number of languages at compile time - including C++, C#, Java, Javascript, and Actionscript. Platforms includes : Windows, OSX, Linux (experimental), HTML5, Flash, IOS, Android, XNA, and PSM (Playstation Vita).
PlayCanvas Commercial + Free Version 3D Cloud-based 3D HTML5 engine and toolset. Full JS engine, real-time collaborative designer tools. Support for 3D art packages.
Playcraft Engine 402 Commercial/Free Indie iOS,Android,Web - 2D,2.5D,Tile Guides, Tutorials, API Large-scale, professional HTML5 game engine featuring: multiplayer, tiling, physics, sprites/animation, sound, input handling, entity systems, native acceleration wrapper (allows HTML5 games to be run as native apps with performance acceleration), scenes/layers and AI.
Project Anarchy Free Version, Commercial 3D [Tutorials] ( API Project Anarchy is a free mobile game engine for iOS, Android, and Tizen. It includes Havok’s Vision Engine along with Havok Physics, Havok Animation Studio and Havok AI. It has an extensible C++ architecture, optimized mobile rendering, a flexible asset management system, and Lua scripting and debugging. There are also complete game samples included with the SDK along with extensive courseware on the Project Anarchy site that game developers can use to quickly get up to speed with the engine and bring their game ideas to life. Havok’s Project Anarchy Pro offering provides more platform support, additional source access and direct assistance from Havok’s award-winning support team.
[Solpeo Gaming Platform] ( Commercial + Free Version Isometric, 2D, mobile Docs A complete solution for delivering fast, HTML5-based isometric games with massively multiplayer support that run on a wide range of devices
Turbulenz MIT License + Free Version 2D & 3D Docs, Github, Demo Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers and mobile devices. Game engine and server-side APIs are available in JavaScript and TypeScript. For more information see the detailed features list
UltimateJS 2D Cross-platform, target mobile platforms. Box2D integration. Scene Editor. Cross-platform sounds. github
Unity3D 3D JS backend
V-Play commercial + free version 2D Docs, Tutorials Professional cross-platform engine targeted for mobile games. Same game can be built for desktop platforms Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Box2D integration. Provides gaming templates. Offers wide range of mobile services for payment, social & gaming networks, ads and analytics. Features level editor that can be used during development and added as a feature to final game.

Inspired by Flash

Name Size (KB) License Type Unit Tests Docs Repository Notes
ActionJS no github AS3 like in Javascript
CasualJS 215kb zipped Apache 2.0 2D, Flash-like no API google code CasualJS provides seamless transition to HTML5 from ActionScript 3.0. Features include frame-based rendering and object collisions.
Doodle-js 17k, gzipped BSD 2D, Flash-like github JavaScript animation library for Canvas. Features a scene graph and event handling. Easy to add to an existing page element where Flash no longer displays.
EaselJS 575kb zipped MIT 2D, Flash-like API github Developed by Grant Skinner, retained graphics mode for canvas including a full, hierarchical display list.
FlashJS Apache 2.0 github Uses Flash development model that is verified for years. Also good for everybody who knows Flash. About
FlixelJS MIT 2D github Demo Port of Flixel (Flash) to JS. Announcement thread
IvanK.js 45k MIT 2D no Docs Extremely fast WebGL-based graphics library, inspired by Flash. Few Demos (10-100 lines of code) and Real projects.
LWF 29kb gzipped zlib 2D, Flash-like no Docs github LWF - an open-source tool for bringing Flash animation to Unity and HTML5. Presentation
Spaceport spaceport.js is 30K Commercial 2D, Flash-like yes, not publicly available API Supports multiple targets (iOS, Android, Flash, HTML5). Same API as ActionScript 3, hardware accelerated vector graphics automatically converted from Flash SWFs
LayaAir ~2.45 MB MIT 2D/3D yes Wiki GitHub Features: LayaAir is a 2D/3D engine. VR mode can be enabled.To handle his own 3D data format, LayaBox provide a tools converter from FBX files. Also Unity plugin is available to convert "GameObject" into LayaModel files.


Name Size (KB) License Type Unit Tests Docs Repository Notes
Aves Commercial Obsolete. Company bought by Zynga. E3 2010 Aves Engine Prototype "Suburban World"
Diggy BSD github DHTML-based, abandoned
Effect Games Effect Games provides free, online tools for building, sharing and playing your own browser based games.
Float Engine 2D, Isometric and Tile Based Float Engine is a 2d,isometric and tile based game engine built entirely using existing native web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
Hydra MIT github Geared towards mobile, powering a few small commercial games. There's no documentation at all, so I wouldn't recommend it to users, but some pieces may be of interest to other engine developers, such as: How to build a library compatible with Closure Compiler's advanced optimizations, using CSS3 transitions for game animation in a sane way, and abstracting touch events to allow the use of a mouse when playing mobile games on the desktop
Javascript Gamelib GPL Abandoned. Provides relatively simple routines for animation, sprites, collision detection and control.
Rocket Engine Commercial Obsolete. Company bought by Disney. Canvas support. WebGL support. Supports IE8, Mobile. Orthographic and isometric tile rendering. Collision detection. Pathfinding. Real-time multi-user Level editor. Common services required by MMOs. Demo
SpellScript Online/MUD WIP
xc.js BSD 2D Docs github xc.js is a framework for HTML Canvas games in Javascript
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