Spring-boot application used to demonstrate VMware Tanzu Application Platform
Components :
- Spring Web + Thymeleaf
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Data REST ** / ** /helloes ** /prime/{num}
- Spring Actuator ** /actuator
- Flyway with (Postgres & H2)
- Open API v3 with springdoc ** /v3/api-docs
Prerequisites to integrate the application to TAP
- TAP is installed and working with OOTB supply chain
- Developper namespace (dev) is created
- Postgresql deployed and accessible from the dev namespace as a ServiceBinding
Local run
# Run DB
docker run -d -e POSTGRES_USER=pgappuser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgappuser -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres-tanzu-app -p 5432:5432 postgres:14.2
# Run App
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Docker run
# Build Image
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
# Run app
docker-compose up
Tanzu Application Platform Integration
# Integrate to TAP
tanzu apps workload create -f config/workload.yaml
# Retrieve url
tanzu apps workload get tanzu-app-deploy -n dev
You can use the Gatling Simulation in the performance folder