Releases: beechit/json-to-code-climate-subset-converter
PHP8 support
In this release:
- #39 by @ttomdewit with reviews from @ferrastas and @MarijnKoesen
- #40 by @ttomdewit
Improve Workflow Actions
In this (bug fix) release:
- #38 by @ferrastas
Use variable name in workflow task
In this (bug fix) release:
- #37 by @ttomdewit
Improve Docker and test matrix
In this release:
- #31 by @ferrastas
- #32 by @ferrastas
- #28 by @tvbeek
Add option to fail with non-zero exit code when converting errors
Add optional option to fail with no-zero exit code when errors were converted. This allows pipelines to fail so following jobs aren't queued. As per #19.
Add PHP-CS-Fixer support
Add support for PHP-CS-Fixer per #21.
Add Infection GitHub Action
Add GitHub Action that runs Infection, and add two new scripts to composer file #24
Drop support for PHP 7.2
Dropped support for PHP 7.2 in GH Actions and composer.json
Fix bug where autoload.php file couldn't be found
Bugfix where autoload.php file couldn't be found. Refer to #20 for more details.
Official first release
Official first release
After a lot of work and making sure test cover all existing paths (with PHPUnit and Infection) it's time to release a stable version. In the first release we support the following tools: phpstan, psalm, phan, phpcs, phplint. More tools will be added in future releases. In future releases we'll also dedicate time to make the code more resilient (think "better types").