Demonstration of various Robotics & Machine Learning applications learned in COMP 417
Balance a pole on a cart using OpenCV + PID Controller + Kalman Filter
The "Cart-Pole Problem" is one of the most classic control problems in the field of Robotics. In this implimentation the cart and pole are objects in a PyGame environment, developed my Dr. Faraz Lofti. The environment leverages relatively realistic physics, such that the pole will naturally fall due to gravity, if the cart does not adjust its position.
Use tools from the OpenCV library to identify the pole and calculate the angle between it and the cart for every frame of the game. The angle is then processed by a Kalman Filter in order to smooth out any discrepancies between the actual angle, and the angle calculated from the best-fit rectangle in OpenCV. Finally, the filtered angle is passed into a PID controller, which outputs a force to move the cart with.
Here's a video of the simulation running.
To estimate the angle (radians) between the pole and the cart at each time step I used a combination of methods available in OpenCV. Specifically, my program uses color masking and image thresholding to convert all but the pixel values of the red pole into white while the rest of the image is converted into black. The pixels are then converted to greyscale, at which point the program attempts to find the rectangular contours in the image, which is just the pole. Finally, the angle of the pole with the cart can easily be obtained using the cv2.minAreaRect() method, at which point the program merely converts the angle to negative or positive depending on the quadrant the pole is in (ie, negative if it’s leaning left, positive if it’s leaning right). To view the results of the object detection live, un-comment line 45 in
Using the following equations, I was able to obtain highly-optimal results with a Kalman filter. These equations are implemented in, with a custom KalmanFilter class.
I found that setting the values of my Q and R matrices such that Q > R, was the most effective tuning mechanism. As shown in Figure b), the estimated values of theta were accurate to within ~+/-0.01 radians, well within a range required to balance the pole. Figures c) and d) clearly demonstrate that there’s a strong covariance between the estimated values of theta and the actual values of theta, as well as between the estimated values of theta and theta dot. Overall, using the filter yielded much more stable results.
As the results in a) show, using the internal state values of theta and theta dot, I was able to obtain a highly-stable pole. To tweak the gains I used the Ziegler-Nichols method to tune my PID. Theta dot was calculated using the time delta of 0.005, as is used in the game.