You want to do a bulk translation in the taxonomy for a given language using Google Translate.
- Python
- pip install:
- pip3 install googletrans
- pip3 install httpcore
Open the file. Update the variables:
- limit_counter = 200 -> number of translation to perform in the file
- tgt_lc = 'hr' -> desired target language abbreviation (ISO 639)
- taxonomy = "ingredients" -> desired taxonomy to translate (ingredients, categories, etc.)
Remark: it is advice to keep limit_counter small otherwise the changes may not be visible on the Github pull request.
Remark: it is advice to review and eventually correct translations before to make a pull request.
Copy the taxonomy file from (example: ingredients.txt) in the current folder.
Finally, run the script.
After the run, copy the <taxonomy>_updated.txt file back to the project and rename it (remove '_updated'), commit changes, push and make a PR to