Generate XML representation of an arXiv paper using
The following is required if running on a host machine. Instead you can use the Docker image - instructions below.
Install texlive
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y texlive-full
Install latexml
mkdir -p /usr/src/latexml
cd /usr/src/latexml
export LATEXML_COMMIT=9bccfbf633855a2cf9a1c5f03c3ce85c46be4717
curl -L$LATEXML_COMMIT | tar --strip-components 1 -zxf - \
&& perl Makefile.PL \
&& make \
&& make install
# Pull image
docker pull bencevans/arxiv-to-xml
# Get your XML
docker run --rm bencevans/arxiv-to-xml [arxiv id]
# Clone repo
git clone
cd arxiv-to-xml
# Build image
docker build -t arxiv-to-xml .
# Get your XML
docker run arxiv-to-xml [arxiv id]
Ensure you've installed a latex suite and latexml.
# Install from npm
npm install --global arxiv-to-xml
# Get your XML
arxiv-to-xml [arxiv id]
Ensure you've installed a latex suite and latexml.
# Install from npm
npm install --save arxiv-to-xml
const arxivToXML = require('arxiv-to-xml')
.then(xml => console.log(xml))
.catch(err => {
MIT ยฉ Ben Evans