Releases: bengarrett/myip
go releaser update.
What's Changed
- Bump from 0.0.0-20220319134239-a9b59b0215f8 to 0.1.0 by @dependabot in #7
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.2.3
- 35c83b9 Merge pull request #4 from bengarrett/dev
- 695b854 Fixed main paths.
- 889a91e Renamed cli to myip. Updated readme build cmd.
- dcc2b0b Fixed test packages, to be isolated using the _test naming.
- 8f71f36 Using package ipify_test. Fixed some typos in the comments.
- cce4689 Using package geolite2_test.
- 4b09eb3 Applied comments to packages.
- 3974fe2 Moved main to cmd/cli. Created new ping, ipv4 and ipv6 packages.
- 8ce9411 Removed unused icon.
- 9d5fb3c Removed unintentional bin.
- cac6c0e Cleanup requirements.
- 40714db Handle and return invalid ip errors.
- ff379d0 renamed lib to pkg. moved main to cmd/cli.
- aa30def Update
- 0b786bc Fixed broken brew.
- 746b064 Scoop update for myip version v1.1.0
c809819 Updated goreleaser go version.
2659bf9 Simplified download links. Created macOS universal binary.
2ed8189 Linter fix for gci.
cc0f47c Fixed switch on an error will fail on wrapped errors.
f1045e8 Linter fixes.
32d400e Created msInSec() closure to avoid magic number.
2a37592 Replaced magic number used for the Tabwriter.
24d25b0 Replaced timeout magic number with a named httpTimeout var.
d79225b Updated dependencies.
7aacf00 Simplified linter.
a0457c8 Update
90830b9 Update
50a6557 Scoop update for myip version v1.0.0
03998e5 Lint corrections.
61273c7 Hid the brew build directory.
4bc1e14 Geolite2 header and examples.
12bed3d golang sys update.
1858423 Benchmarks use loops.
20a8b80 About package header.
6ba6cbe Fixed error formats.
f46cc81 Package examples and comments.
eb9fbb5 Fixed broken test.
5af72f2 Restricted IPv4 check.
7426e10 Specific validation for ipv4 and ipv6.
61c8b8a -first flag works incombination with -ipv6.
32013a3 Fixed broke tests.
22682a3 Fixed --first triggering context.Canceled errors.
ef2518b Update release instructions.
7db5f92 Ipv6 implementation.
85ff08d GeoLite2 link.
fe982bd Scoop update for myip version v0.9.4
ba402d7 New flags and help.
c17f0ad Timeout fix. -timeout value is in milliseconds. This allows finer control over a seconds based value. Fixed IPv4 parsing of cancel errors. Timeout print uses fewer newlines.
2b75378 Fixed --first complete and IP output.
439d36f Fixed broken tests.
b9d5b91 Cancel and timeout contexts are handled correctly.
6d167a5 Cancel and timeout contexts are handled correctly.
4f24abf Cancel and timeout contexts are handled correctly.
406cff0 Cancel and timeout contexts are handled correctly.
eeae7df Cleaned up links in tests.
2ac634e Ipify uses context and cancel.
08d4f9a uses context and cancelling.
e126d5a Fixed IPv4 error.
cf19d31 Seeip using context.
f202883 supports cancel context.
acf71f7 Aliases for flags.
2f7e009 Instruction comments.
a227521 Build instructions update.
50cd8d6 Merge branch 'main' of
7210f46 Windows Scoop instructions.
c589233 Scoop update for myip version v0.9.3
cb84fe1 Intro text update.
2b53a12 FreeBSD builds.
6d1daa8 Init commit.
b297b09 Updated info text.
76fa6de nfpms meta.
c3c9796 Create FUNDING.yml
a4622e6 Update issue templates
811ddfe Update issue templates
87a91b4 Merge pull request #3 from bengarrett/add-code-of-conduct-1
275ae16 Create
d1ffab7 Merge pull request #2 from bengarrett/add-license-1
1447c48 Create LICENSE